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<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Story of Umm Qirfa|2=[[File:Umm-Qirfa tied between two camels-pictorial-Islam-small.jpg|300px|link=The Story of Umm Qirfa]]|3=Umm Qirfa was an old Arab woman contemporaneous to Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. She belonged to a pagan tribe named Banu Fazara at Wadi Al-Qurra. This old woman who was also a chief of her clan was killed when Muhammad’s followers raided her tribe and won over them. She was tied between two camels which were driven in opposite directions and her body was split apart. Later her decapitated head was presented to Muhammad as a gift who ordered it to be paraded throughout the streets of Medina. ([[The Story of Umm Qirfa|''read more'']])}}</option>
<option weight="1">{{Pictorial-Islam|1=The Story of Umm Qirfa|2=[[File:Umm-Qirfa tied between two camels-pictorial-Islam-small.jpg|300px|link=The Story of Umm Qirfa]]|3=Umm Qirfa was an old Arab woman contemporaneous to Prophet Muhammad. She belonged to a pagan tribe named Banu Fazara at Wadi Al-Qurra. This old woman who was also a chief of her clan was killed when Muhammad’s followers raided her tribe and won over them. She was tied between two camels which were driven in opposite directions and her body was split apart. Later her decapitated head was presented to Muhammad as a gift. He then ordered it to be paraded throughout the streets of Medina. ([[The Story of Umm Qirfa|''read more'']])}}</option>

Revision as of 18:13, 20 May 2013

Also see: Template:Pictorial-Islam

Jahannam (Allah's Hell)

Women in hell.jpg

Jahannam was specifically created and prepared with eternal fire by Allah, so that he could torture disbelievers. In fact, disbelievers are the fuel of Allah's fire. A list of tortures include; wearing garments of liquid pitch and fire, being bound in yokes and chains, spending eternity in a blazing fire with exchangeable skins so that they can be roasted over and over again, faces being covered in fire and lips being burned off, boiling water being poured over heads and used to scald skin and internal organs, being dragged by the face through boiling water and fire, beaten with maces of iron, and being fed painful, noxious, choking foods which will leave people hungry and boil their insides. (read more)