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Revision as of 16:39, 17 November 2016

This article provides a list of numerical miracles in the Qur'an, that are often not mentioned by apologists, because apologists are afraid that these miracles might make Islam look bad.

"Angel 666" Miracle

Since 666 is the number of the devil, according to to Bible (and Qur'an is supposed to be the final revelation after the Bible), we would expect that in the verse 66:6 we would read something about Satan. However, that is not the case! There is the word "angel" in the verse! Now how do we interpret this miracle? How can an angel be in the verse 66:6?

What is the role of angels? Well, for example, they are bringing messages to the prophets. Muhammad claimed that he received his messages from an angel and the angel claimed that it is from god. So one interpretation of this miracle might be, that the "angel" who brought messages to Muhammad, was actually an "Angel 666" and was actually bringing messages from Satan! This interpretation is also supported by the verse itself:

  • Verse 66:6 "O you who believe! save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones; over it are angels stern and strong, they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them, and do as they are commanded."

What are angels doing in hell? Hell is full of shaytans, commanded by the "grand" shaytan of all shaytans - Iblees. So from this miracle we can conclude, that Muhammad was receiving revelations from Iblees, the word "angel" actually means "shaytan" and the word Allah actually means Iblees. This interpretation also explains why Islam abrogated the teachings of Jesus like "Love your enemy". Because Iblees wants to spread hate and wars among people. And it also explains why the Qur'an commands its followers to kill Christians and Jews (9:29).