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On a separate note, though stars are described as an ornament or beauty for the sky in [ Quran 37:6], and [ Quran 67:5], there are an estimated minimum c.100 septillion stars in the known universe, but only a few thousand are actually visible to the naked eye.
On a separate note, though stars are described as an ornament or beauty for the sky in [ Quran 37:6], and [ Quran 67:5], there are an estimated minimum c.100 septillion stars in the known universe, but only a few thousand are actually visible to the naked eye.

There is also nothing said of their function of holding planetary systems together,<ref></ref> which could have easily been done by differentiation fixed stars from moving stars, and shown geuinie scientific foreknowledge.
There is also nothing said of their function of holding planetary systems together,<ref></ref> which could have easily been done by differentiation fixed stars from moving stars, and shown genuine scientific foreknowledge.

== Further science and the argument of meteors ==
== Further science and the argument of meteors ==
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Meteors are objects that enter Earth’s atmosphere from space, which are typically pieces of dust no larger than a grain of rice, burn up before reaching the ground, though can be larger (meteorites refer to rocks that survive left over on Earth). As they vaporize, they leave behind the fiery trails sometimes called “shooting stars,” even though meteors are not really stars.
Meteors are objects that enter Earth’s atmosphere from space, which are typically pieces of dust no larger than a grain of rice, burn up before reaching the ground, though can be larger (meteorites refer to rocks that survive left over on Earth). As they vaporize, they leave behind the fiery trails sometimes called “shooting stars,” even though meteors are not really stars.

The source of meteors are asteroids, either directly by them being pulled out of the belt by Jupiter's gravity, then moving to the inner solar system where they collide with Earth (99.8% of them),<ref></ref> or indirectly as they collide with other rocky objects, i.e. the moon or Mars (0.02% of them) which then come into Earths gravitational tug.<ref></ref>
The main source of meteors are asteroids (~94% of all), either directly by them being pulled out of the belt by Jupiter's gravity, then moving to the inner solar system where they collide with Earth (99.8% of them),<ref></ref> or indirectly as they collide with other rocky objects, i.e. the moon or Mars (0.02% of them) which then come into Earths gravitational tug.<ref></ref>

Other than the fact that these asteroids are not stars or 'star-like', but just rocks and metal with no light source, and therefore cannot accurately be said to match the description of 'lamps' - the most densely populated space for these is the asteroid belt.
Other than the fact that these asteroids are not stars or 'star-like', but just rocks and metal with no light source, and therefore cannot accurately be said to match the description of 'lamps' - the most densely populated space for these is the asteroid belt.

This is problematic as despite there being many millions of objects in the asteroid belt, the average distance between them is ~600,000 miles (about 1 million km).<ref></ref> Making them very difficult to use for a protection as the angels could only be close to a maximum of one at a time, having to move millions of miles to pick up more, leaving them unable to ward off one if they miss just once, or one coming after another at different points in time, or multiple using any flanking method. DELETE (The plural (devils) implies there are multiple devils/jinns. And this is supported by the fact they repeatedly come to the meetings, with the jinns being successful at stealing information in Quran 37:6-10, but unsuccessful in 72:8-9.) DELETE?
This is problematic as despite there being many millions of objects in the asteroid belt, the average distance between them is ~600,000 miles (about 1 million km).<ref></ref> Making them very difficult to use for a protection as the angels could only be close to a maximum of one at a time, having to move millions of miles to pick up another, leaving them unable to ward off one if they miss just once, or one coming after another at different points in time, or multiple using any flanking method. <u>Especially to line up with 'pelted every side', which only appears to match a meteor shower.</u>

Another problem arises in that they are said to be pursued with flame, however there is no oxygen in space,<ref></ref> so you can't start a fire (or get smoke).<ref>'t%20start%20in,in%20strange%20and%20beautiful%20ways</ref> Let alone by throwing a rock through space. They only burn in Earths atmosphere due to friction from travelling extremely fast in a vacuum which takes no energy, to being compressed by air in the atmosphere, rising the temperature and setting fire where there is oxygen.<ref></ref> (Stars like our sun create heat through nuclear fusion, which is a completely different process to chemical burning that creates flame) (SOURCE)
Another problem arises in that they are said to be pursued with flame, however there is no oxygen in space,<ref></ref> so you can't start a fire (or get smoke).<ref>'t%20start%20in,in%20strange%20and%20beautiful%20ways</ref> Let alone by throwing a rock through space. They only burn in Earths atmosphere due to friction from travelling extremely fast in a vacuum which takes no energy, to being compressed by air in the atmosphere, rising the temperature and setting fire where there is oxygen.<ref></ref> (Stars like our sun create heat through nuclear fusion, which is a completely different process to chemical burning that creates flame) (SOURCE)
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Therefore, for them to make a 'clear flame' by turning into meteors, this would have to be thrown a minimum ~179.5 million km / 111.5 million miles while the jinn are still in the Earths atmosphere, with the flame 'pursuing them' for only a tiny fraction of the process (<0.01%), adding to the problematic nature of these verses.
Therefore, for them to make a 'clear flame' by turning into meteors, this would have to be thrown a minimum ~179.5 million km / 111.5 million miles while the jinn are still in the Earths atmosphere, with the flame 'pursuing them' for only a tiny fraction of the process (<0.01%), adding to the problematic nature of these verses.
Comets, which are the other source (~6%) of meteors, are arguably just as if not more problematic than asteroids. These are similar to asteroids, however they aren't just made of rock but also frozen gases, ice and dust that orbit the Sun.<ref><nowiki></nowiki></ref>
Similar to asteroids in the asteroid belt, the source of comets are from extremely distant sections of the solar system, the Kuiper belt (beyond Neptune) being the closest source, and the Oorb field far beyond Pluto (which is itself only theorised). 
In fact, astronomers estimate there are hundreds of thousands of objects in the region that are larger than 60 miles (100 kilometers) wide or larger, and potentially trillions overall. However, the total mass of all the material in the Kuiper Belt is estimated to be no more than about 10% of the mass of Earth - across <ref></ref>.
'''How long is it? How wide is it?'''
NASA says that the inner edge of the doughnut-shaped Kuiper Belt begins at the orbit of Neptune and a distance of around 2.8 billion miles (4.8 billion kilometers) from the sun, with its main concentration of bodies ending at around 4.6 billion miles (7.4 billion km) from the star. It's thickness is approximately ~930 million miles (~1.5 billion kilometers / (10AU)).<ref>[,Belt%20is%20approximately%2010%20AU.,Belt%20is%20approximately%2010%20AU.]</ref> The Kuiper Belt is far larger than the main asteroid belt, up to 20 times as wide and 20 to 100 times it's mass according to Nine Planets. Occasionally, one will break of from this orbit and reach the inner solar system, though for one to come close enough to earth is rare,<ref></ref> for two to be near enough to be used as objects to pelt jinn from every side is near impossible.
Stray comets
Point = pelting from every side = impossible
How wide is it?
POINT 3 - distance to earth to make flame as a rock weapon is insane (like asteroids)
Therefore very similar problems to asteroids, just like the further spherical Oorb field to asteroid belt, in that it is extremely rare for any to be close to each other, the sizes are odd for the story, and no flame.
A meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through the trail of debris left by a comet or asteroid. <ref></ref> These follow predictable patterns based off theirs orbits, not due to random meetings?
They have highly elliptical orbits, originating from the Kuiper Belt(link?) beyond Neptune, [2]. Their orbits range from centuries (short-period comets) to hundreds of thousands (and beyond) of years.
[2]  <nowiki></nowiki>
Firstly, once again they are almost always extremely far from one another
Each comet has a tiny frozen part, called a nucleus, often no larger than a few kilometers across. The nucleus contains icy chunks, frozen gases with bits of embedded dust. A comet warms up as it nears the Sun and develops an atmosphere, or coma. The Sun's heat causes the comet's ices to change to gases so the coma gets larger. The coma may extend hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The pressure of sunlight and high-speed solar particles (solar wind) can blow the coma dust and gas away from the Sun, sometimes forming a long, bright tail. Comets actually have two tails―a dust tail and an ion (gas) tail.
Not fire at their head, but ice melting and disintegrating under a barrage of solar radiation. ONLY sprout tail near the sun. In fact tail direction more influenced by direction of the sun than the Comet trajectory. Comet ion tails are comprised of glowing lightweight gases ionised by UV light, this reflecting sunlight, not a flame. These do not match the flaming pursuing lamps of the jinn - which would be scientifically inaccurate.
Plus moving very fast (get reference), not good for a presumably still meetings' protection.
When they are far from their stars comets are just cold dark space bodies movies on a highly eccentric ellipse path.
Extremely strange meeting traveling X miles per hour along a trajectory. And have to move X miles to another once a jinn has come.
These are small pieces of dust left behind, there are no (identified) big enough to survive the burning and leave a meteorite, which all come from asteroids (making them a poor flame weapon). <nowiki></nowiki>
Comets main meteors are caused by the earth rotating through the dust left behind
In theory meteorites could come from meteors from them directly from the few 'near' Earth (it's extremely rare for one to come within 0.1AU <nowiki>,with%200.1%20AU%20of%20Earth</nowiki>. Of Earth), but none (meteorites) have been traced indefinitely.
Comets keep moving constantly too making them a difficult weapon for a guarding a meeting.

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On a separate note, though stars are described as an ornament or beauty for the sky in [ Quran 37:6], and [ Quran 67:5], there are an estimated minimum c.100 septillion stars in the known universe, but only a few thousand are actually visible to the naked eye.
On a separate note, though stars are described as an ornament or beauty for the sky in [ Quran 37:6], and [ Quran 67:5], there are an estimated minimum c.100 septillion stars in the known universe, but only a few thousand are actually visible to the naked eye.
For reivers - mention point of final section is to counter incorrect myth online that its is simply referring to heavenly bodies.

===  '''Islamic Commentators:''' ===
===  '''Islamic Commentators:''' ===


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