Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Muhammad and Jihad: Difference between revisions

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{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. VIII|ISBN=0-7914-3149-5|year=1997|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor=Michael Fishbein|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n2028/mode/2up|page=100}}<br>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol. 2|page=646}}|According to Ibn Humayd--Salamah--Muhammad b. Ishaq--Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri--'Ubaydallah b. 'Abdallah b. 'Utbah b. Masud--'Abdallah b. 'Abbas--Abu Sufyan b. Barb, who said: We were merchant folk. The warfare between us and the Messenger of God had prevented us from journeying, so that our wealth became depleted. After the truce between us and the Messenger of God, we feared that we might not encounter security.}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. VIII|ISBN=0-7914-3149-5|year=1997|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor=Michael Fishbein|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n2028/mode/2up|page=100}}<br>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol. 2|page=646}}|According to Ibn Humayd--Salamah--Muhammad b. Ishaq--Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri--'Ubaydallah b. 'Abdallah b. 'Utbah b. Masud--'Abdallah b. 'Abbas--Abu Sufyan b. Barb, who said: We were merchant folk. The warfare between us and the Messenger of God had prevented us from journeying, so that our wealth became depleted. After the truce between us and the Messenger of God, we feared that we might not encounter security.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|8|p. 116}}|After his return from Hudaybiyah, Allah's Messenger marched against Khaybar. He halted with his army in a valley between the people of Khaybar and the Ghatafan tribe to prevent the latter from assisting the Jews.}}
{{Quote|{{citation|title=The History of al-Tabari|trans_title=Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l-muluk|volume=vol. VIII|ISBN=0-7914-3149-5|year=1997|publisher=SUNY Press|author=al-Tabari (d. 923)|editor=Michael Fishbein|url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryAlTabari40Vol/History_Al-Tabari_10_Vol/page/n2028/mode/2up|pages=116-117}}<br>{{citation|title=تاريخ الرسل والملوك|author=أبو جعفر الطبري|url=https://app.turath.io/book/9783|publisher=al-Maktabah al-Shamilah|volume=vol. 3|pages=9-10}}|Events of the Year 7:<br>
The Expedition to Khaybar:<br>
{{Quote|{{Tabari|8|p. 117}}|The next morning Allah opened the township of Sa'b bin Mu'adh for them to conquer. There was no stronghold in Khaybar more abounding in food. After the Prophet had defeated some of their settlements and taken their property, they reached the communities of Watib and Sulalim, which were the last of the Khaybar neighborhoods to be conquered. Muhammad besieged the inhabitants between thirteen and nineteen nights.}}
Then the year 7 began. The Messenger of God set out for Khaybar in the remainder of al-Mubarram, leaving Sibs' b. 'Urfutah al-Ghifari in charge of Medina. He traveled and halted with his army at a valley called al-Raji', encamping between the people of Khaybar and [the tribe of] Ghatafan (according to the account from In Humayd--Salamah--Ibn Ishaq) to prevent the latter from aiding the people of Khaybar, for they were going to back them against the Messenger of God.<br>
It has been reported to me that, when Ghatafan heard that the Messenger of God had encamped near Khaybar, they assembled because of him and set out to aid the Jews against him. Having traveled a day's journey, they heard a sound behind them in their possessions and families. Thinking that the enemy had come at them from behind, they turned back and stayed with their families and possessions, leaving the way to Khaybar open to the Messenger of God. The Messenger of God began taking herds and property bit by bit and conquering Khaybar fortress by fortress. The first of their fortresses that he conquered was the fortress of Na'im. Mahmud b. Maslamah was killed at it-a millstone was hurled on him from it and killed him. Next was al-Qamus, the fortress of lbn Abi al-Huqayq. The Messenger of God took some of its people captive, including $afiyyah bt. Huyayy b. Akhtab (the wife of Kinanah b. al-Rabi' b. Abi al-Huqayq) and two daughters of her paternal uncle. The Messenger of God chose Safiyyah for himself. Dihyah al-Kalbi had asked the Messenger of God for Safiyyah; when the latter chose her for himself, he gave Dihyah her two cousins. The captives of Khaybar were divided among the Muslims. Then the Messenger of God began taking the fortresses and property that were closest to him.<br>
According to Ibn Humayd--Salamah--Muhammad b. Ishaq--'Abdallah b. Abi Bakr-a member of the Aslam: The Banu Sahm, who were a part of Aslam, came to the Messenger of God and said, "Messenger of God, by God we have been struck by drought and possess nothing." But they found that the Messenger of God had nothing to give them. So the Prophet said: "O God, Thou knowest their condition-that they have no strength and that I have nothing to give them. Open to them [for conquest] the greatest of the fortresses of Khaybar, the one most abounding in food and fat meat." The next morning God opened the fortress of al-Sa'b b. Mu'adh for them [to conquer]. There was no fortress in Khaybar more abounding in food and fat meat than it. After the Messenger of God had conquered some of their fortresses and taken some of the property, they reached their fortress489 of al-Walih and al-Sulalim, which was the last of the fortresses of Khaybar to be conquered. The Messenger of God besieged the inhabitants between thirteen and nineteen nights.}}

{{Quote|{{Tabari|8|p. 123}}|Allah’s Apostle besieged the final [Jewish] community until they could hold out no longer. Finally, when they were certain that they would perish, they asked Muhammad to banish them and spare their lives, which he did. The Prophet took possession of all their property.|See Also Ishaq:515}}
{{Quote|{{Tabari|8|p. 123}}|Allah’s Apostle besieged the final [Jewish] community until they could hold out no longer. Finally, when they were certain that they would perish, they asked Muhammad to banish them and spare their lives, which he did. The Prophet took possession of all their property.|See Also Ishaq:515}}
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