WikiIslam:Sandbox/WikiIslam:Advice on using our site

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Mediawiki:Usingoursite (Advice on using our site) and Mediawiki:Termsofservicepage (WikiIslam:Advice on using our site)

This page contains some advice on how to use our site, responses to some common allegations and general advice on debating.

Some of these issues are addressed in our FAQ page but are addressed here in detail for convenience.

Responses to common allegations

  1. "WikiIslam is an Islamopobic site"
    First of all the concept of Islamophobia is an invalid concept that has been rejected by many notable people. Never has there been a need to define a concept like Christianphobia or Hinduphobia. The criticism of a religion or any concept for that matter can be an intellectual pursuit depending on the quality of the criticism and does not imply a phobia. At WikiIslam we have strict quality standards that we strive to adhere to. We cite our sources, most of which are authentic Islamic sources themselves.
  2. "A wiki is not a reliable source"
    The fact that a website is a wiki does not negatively effect the reliability of the site, a characteristic which is actually determined by standards of quality that have to be adhered to. We also have pending changes protection which protects the website from unauthorized changes.