
Revision as of 00:32, 24 February 2013 by Sahab (talk | contribs)

User: {{{1}}} Website: [{{{2}}}] Date: {{{3}}}

Template Usage

This template is to be used on Muslims Say the Darndest Things (MSTDT).

Copy and paste {{MSTDTQ|1=###|2=###|3=###}} into the quotation box, like this: {{Quote|{{MSTDTQ|1=###|2=###|3=###}}|}}

The first parameter (###) is the forum user's name. The second parameter is the forum name and URL. The third parameter is the date and time of post.

So typing this: {{Quote|{{MSTDTQ|1=Muslim|2=http://www.islam.com/forum/topic=1#01 Islam forum|3=January 16, 2013 11:37 PM}}|text text text text text text text}}, will create:

text text text text text text text
User: Muslim Website: Islam forum Date: January 16, 2013 11:37 PM