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Sunan Abu Dawud 1:1

This template is used to provide sources for Sunan Abu Dawud references. It formerly produced links to the cmje website, which no longer works. We are currently using QuranX.com instead, which is able to handle USC-MSA and in-book reference conventions.


First Parameter is the Book Number.
Second Parameter is the Verse Number.
Third Parameter (optional) is for the alternative, in-book reference system (default is USC-MSA)

To use this template with USC-MSA numbering: {{Abudawud|###|###}}

To use this template with In-book numbering: {{Abudawud|###|###|in-book}}

Example for hadiths using USC-MSA numbering


Sunan Abu Dawud 13:2315
Example for the same hadith using in-book numbering


Sunan Abu Dawud 14:10 (In-Book Ref)