Nejrychleji rostoucí náboženství

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Tento článek analyzuje tvrzení, že Islám je "nejrychleji rostoucím náboženstvím" ve světě.

Mapa světa, ukazujcí rozložení hlavních náboženství v dnešním světě(Pew, Dec 18, 2012).


Mnoho lidí tvrdilo, že islám je nejrychleji rostoucím náboženstvím ve světě. Jako důkaz, obvykle prezentují neověřitelné tvrzení a nepodložené citace z médií. Podle všeho ABC News tvrdila "S již více, než miliardou lidí, islám je nejrychleji rostoucím náboženstvím ve světě", citace, kterou nezvládají podložit jakýmykoliv důkazy. Zde prověříme dostupná data o islámu a podíváme se, jestli jsou nějaká z těchto tvrzení založená na faktech.


Růst islámu


Podle "The Future of the Global Muslim Population," publikované v lednu 2011 od Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, růst a očekávaný další růst islámu je převážně díky "jejich relativně vysoké porodnosti, velkém množství muslimů v porodním věku, a zvýšení střední délky života ve většinově muslimských zemích" a konverze hrají jen malou část pro zvýšení, vzhledem k datům naznačujícím, že "Islám ztrácí mnoho přívrženců skrze konverzi, tak jako získává."[1][2]

V roce 2006, většinově muslimské země měly v průměru míru populačního růstu 1.8% ročně (váženo procenty muslimů a velikostí populace).[3] V porovnání s mírou růstu populace 1.12% ročně [4], a podle World Christian Encyclopaedia, mezi lety 1990 a 2000, islám získal asi 865,558 konvertitů každý rok. V porovnání s přibližně 2,883,011 konvertity každý rok ke křesťanství během stejného období.[5]


Muslimové dříve převažovali nad křesťany v sub-Saharské Africe. Nicméně, dle studie publikované v dubnu 2010 od Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life zjistila, že křesťané nyní převažují nad muslimy v poměru 2 ku 1, čímž dělají islám menšinovou vírou.[6][7]

Počet příznivců křesťanství v sub-Saharské africe vzrostl z méně než 9 milionů v roce 1910 na 516 milionů dnes, 60-násobně překonávající růst islámu.[8]


Navzdory tomu, co je často tvrzeno, islám není nejrychleji rostoucím náboženstvím ve Spojených Státech. Zde jsou dostpná fakta:

  • ARIS sčítání[9] 1990 a 2000 ukazují, že procentuální změna pro islám byla +109%. Procentuální změna pro nenáboženství/sekularismus (+110%), původní americké náboženství (+119%), buddhismus(+170%), baha'i (+200%), hinduismus(+237%), New Age (+240%), Sikhismus (+338%) a deismus (+717%) byly všechny vyšší.
  • American Religious Identification Survey dala ne-náboženským skupinám nejvyšší přírůstek z hlediska absolutních počtů - 14,300,000 (8.4% populace) na 29,400,000 (14.1% populace) pro období od 1990 do 2001 v USA.[10][11] Zároveň, američané bez náboženství byli nejrychleji rostoucím segmentem od roku 2001 do 2008.[12]
  • Dle Cultural Orientation Resource Center,[13] 60% všech uprchlíků přijatých do Spojených Států jsou z většinově muslimských zemí. Podobně, Pew report publikoval v lednu 2011, že "Asi dvě třetiny muslimů v USA dnes (64.5%) jsou imigranti první generace (narozeni v jiném státě)".[14]
  • Navzdory často citovaným číslům dle CAIR a navzdory masivnímu přítoku muslimských uprchlíků, Pew survey v říjnu 2009 zjistil odhad pro celkovou muslimskou populaci v USA, že je pouze 2.454 milionů.[15] Procentuálně, islám reprezentuje jen 0.8 procent náboženství v Americe. Asi třetina toho, co bylo dříve tvrzeno a široce přijato mnoha apologety a médii.
  • Podle výzkumu vykonaném respektovaným americkým muslimem z Pákistánu Dr. Ilyas Ba-Yunus (1932 - 2007),[16][17] 75% nových muslimských konvertitů v USA opustí víru během několika let.[18]
  • Dle Ahmed Nassef, spoluzakladatele a redaktora, méně než 7 procent amerických muslimů navštěvuje pravidelně mešitu, v porovnání s 38 procenty amerických křesťanů, kteří navštěvují kostel každý týden.[19]


Islam and Christianity both entered China during the 7th century,[20] and unreferenced claims have been made of around 100 million Muslims in China. However, most reliable estimates put the figures at 20 to 30 million Muslims (1.5% to 2% of the population).[21][22][23][24]

Similarly, some Christian organizations have claimed up to 130 million Christians in China. However, most reliable estimates range from 40 million (3% of the total population) to 54 million (4%),[24][25][26][27] meaning the growth of Christianity in China is almost double that of Islam.


A United Nations' survey showed that between 1989 and 1998, Europe's Muslim population grew by more than 100 percent, due mainly to the effects of immigration from Muslim countries. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance have an unsourced claim of 2.9 percent per year. And according to a Pew report published in January 2011, the future growth of Islam in Europe will be "driven primarily by continued migration."[14]

According to data from the extensive 2010 European Social Survey (ESS), Muslims immigrants who have lived less than a year in Europe regularly go to the mosque. But after they have lived more than a year in their new homeland, the figure drops to 48.8%. More than half rarely or never go to the mosque to pray.[28]

In the Netherlands, mosque attendance is actually dropping faster than church attendance. In 1998, 47 percent of Muslims would attend mosque at least once a month. This figure fell by 12 percent in 2008 to only 35 percent. Whilst church attendance for Catholics fell by only 8 percent, and church attendance amongst Protestants showed no change, remaining at 63 percent.[29]

United Kingdom

It has been estimated that during 2001 - 2011, about 100,000 people converted to Islam in the United Kingdom, but 75 percent of these converts quickly left Islam, during this period.[30] On the whole, there are about 200,000 apostates from Islam living in the UK, doubling the number that have converted.[31]

Similarly to the rest of Europe,[14] the growth of Islam in the UK is primarily due to higher birthrates among Muslims (27 percent of Muslim families have three or more dependent children, compared with 14 percent of Sikh, 8 percent of Hindu, and 7 percent of Christian families)[32] and immigration (54 percent of all UK Muslims are foreign born).[33]

A NOP poll of British Muslims commissioned by Channel 4 also found that 48% of Muslims never attend a mosque, with another 6% only attending for special occasions.[34]


There is a wide spread belief that there are around 20 million Russian Muslims and that vast amounts of Russians are converting to Islam. However, there are only about 7 to 9 million Muslims in Russia and less than 3,000 ethnic Russians have converted to Islam within the last fifteen years.

For the same period almost 2 million ethnic Muslims have become Orthodox Christians. Over 400 Russian Orthodox clergy belong to traditionally Muslim ethnic groups, 20 percent of Tatars are Christian, and 70 percent of interfaith marriages result in the Muslim spouse conversion to Christianity.[35]

Other Factors to Consider

Worth noting is the fact that apostates will rarely advertise leaving Islam due to the death sentence it imposes on its followers, and that most Islamic countries do not acknowledge conversions out of Islam.

Systematic persecution of religious minorities has been documented in almost every Muslim majority country, leading to some converts to Islam being coerced or forced into their conversion.

For example, following the 2010 murder of a leading Muslim politician who called for modifications to Pakistan’s blasphemy law, it had been reported that at least 20 Pakistani Christians were converting to Islam each week out of fear.[36] Also according to the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC), there were as many as 2,000 women and girls who were forcibly converted in 2011 to Islam through rape, torture and kidnappings in Pakistan.[37]

This is not limited to Muslim-majority countries. In the United Kingdom, it was reported in 2007 that police were working with universities to clamp down on "aggressive conversions" to Islam, during which vulnerable teenage girls are beaten up by Muslims and forced to abandon university courses.[38][39]


All the actual data available reveals that Islam is neither the fastest growing religion by number of adherents or the fastest growing religion by percentage-increase.

The growing number of Muslims in the world is due primarily to the higher than average birth-rates, and consequent population growths of Muslim countries and communities. And their growing presence in non-Muslim societies such as Europe and the Americas is overwhelmingly due to immigration.

Furthermore, converts to Islam are vastly outnumbered by those who choose to leave the religion and embrace another faith or worldview. And the majority of converts that Islam does manage to attract, decide to leave within the first few years of practicing it.

Finally, even if Islam were to be the fastest growing religion in the world, it would be an Argumentum ad populum to claim that this makes it the correct religion.

This page is featured in the core article, Islam and Propaganda which serves as a starting point for anyone wishing to learn more about this topic  

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Externí odkazy


  1. Richard Allen Greene - World Muslim population doubling, report projects - CNN News, January 27, 2011
  2. "... Z toho mála dostupných informací, ony naznačují, že neexistuje výrazné zvýšení nebo snížení počtu muslimů skrze konverzi globálně; počet lidí, kteří se stanou muslimy skrze konverzi se zdá být zhruba stejný počtu muslimů, kteří víru opouštějí. Kvůli tomu, tento report neobsahuje žádný odhad budoucí míry konverzi jako přímý faktor pro růst muslimské populace." - The Future of the Global Muslim Population, Related Factors: Conversion, Pew Research Center, January 27, 2011
  3. Averaging of individual country figures from CIA factbook
  4. CIA Factbook
  5. Global statistics for all religions: 2001 AD. Accessed 2006-12-26.
  6. Christians now outnumber Muslims in sub-Saharan Africa by 2 to 1 - Catholic Culture, April 19, 2010
  7. Tolerance and Tension: Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa - The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, April 15, 2010
  8. Global Christianity: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Christian Population - The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, December 19, 2011
  9. Largest Religious Groups in the United States of America -, accessed April 16, 2011
  10. American Religious Identification Survey, Key Findings - The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
  11. American Religious Identification Survey, Full PDF Document - The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
  12. Fastest Growing Religion = No Religion (New Religious Identification Survey) (original pdf report | website)
  13. US Refugee Program: Current Fiscal Year Admission Statistics - Cultural Orientation Resource Center, Updated October 2009
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 The Future of the Global Muslim Population: Projections for 2010-2030 - Pew Research Center, January 27, 2011
  15. Patrick Goodenough - New Survey on Islam Calls Into Question Population Figure Used by Obama - CNS News, October 9, 2009
  16. Dr. Ilyas Ba-Yunus, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, State University of New York at Cortland
  17. Faraz Rabbani, Former SunniPath Instructor - Dr. Ilyas Ba-Yunus – Pioneer MSA and ISNA Activist & Leader Passes Away - SunniPath, October 5, 2007
  18. Listen to the clip detailing this research (listen on Youtube)
  19. Ahmed Nassef - Listen to Muslim silent majority in US - CSM, April 21, 2004
  20. China - Wikipedia, accessed September 23, 2011
  21. Masood Rab - Chinese Muslim Scholars - Muslim Media Network, March 24, 2008
  22. NW China region eyes global Muslim market - China Daily, July 9, 2008
  23. China (includes Tibet, Hong Kong, and Macau) - US Department of State, International Religious Freedom Report 2006
  24. 24.0 24.1 China/ Religions - CIA, The World Factbook, accessed September 23, 2011
  25. Mark Ellis - China Survey Reveals Fewer Christians than Some Evangelicals Want to Believe - Assist News, October 1, 2007
  26. Survey finds 300m China believers - BBC News, February 7, 2007
  27. Jonathan Watts - Chinese survey finds religion booming - The Guardian, February 7, 2007
  28. Europeiske muslimer dropper moskeen - Aftenposten (Norwegian), May 29, 2010 (English translation)
  29. Jeroen Langelaar - Steeds minder Nederlanders naar kerk of moskee - Elsevier, July 29, 2009
  30. Omar Shahid, "Confessions of an ex-Muslim", New Statesman, May 17, 2013 (archived), 
  31. Anthony Browne - Muslim apostates cast out and at risk from faith and family Muslim apostates cast out and at risk from faith and family - The Sunday Times, February 5, 2005
  32. "Focus on Families: Muslim families most likely to have children", Office for National Statistics (, p. 8, July 2005 (archived from the original), 
  33. Jodie Reed, "Young Muslims in the UK: Education and Integration", Institute for Public Policy Research, December 2005
  34. Anthony Wells - NOP Poll of British Muslims - UK Polling Report, August 8, 2006
  35. 20Mln Muslims in Russia and mass conversion of ethnic Russians are myths - expert - Interfax, April 10, 2007
  36. Rick Westhead - Some Christians in Pakistan convert fear into safety - Toronto Star, January 20, 2011
  37. 2,000 minorities girls converted to Islam forcibly: report - Daily Times, September 5, 2012
  38. Police protect girls forced to convert to Islam - London Evening Standard, February 22, 2007
  39. ‘Hindu girls targeted by extremists’ - Metro News, February 22, 2007