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punishment for apostasy as prescribed by Prophet Muhammad is death. ’N Murtad (مرتد afvallige) who hides his apostasy is referred to as a munāfiq (منافق skynheilige).
<metadesc>Summaries of articles: Apostasy and Human Rights, Persecution of Ex-Muslims, People Who Left Islam, Notable Former Muslims, and more</metadesc>
Afvalligheid (ارتداد, irtidād and ridda) d.w.s. die verwerping van geloof is ‘n ernstige oortreding in Islam. Die straf vir afvalligheid soos voorgeskryf  deur die profeet Muhammed is die dood. ‘N murtad (مرتد afvallige) wie sy afvalligheid weg steek word na verwys as ‘n munāfiq (منافق skynheilige).
Die verwerping in Islam van enige gedeelte (van einige van die pilare, of indiwiduele beginsels van Islam), of verwerping van die geloof in sy geheel, is afvalligheid. Die straf vir afvalligheid in Islam is die dood. Alhoewel daar geargumenteer kan word dat die Koraan alleen nie heeltemal duidelik is daaroor nie, het skoliere regverdiging  daarvoor gekry vanaf verse daarin en is daar talle Sahih (oorspronklike) Hadiths ter bevestiging van die straf op grond van Mohammed se bevestiging daarvan. In Sahih Bukhari sein ons dit as ‘’Allah se dissipel gesê het’’, Wie okal sy Islamitiese godsdiens verander het, dan maak hom dood’’, en dit was ook een van die enigste drie redes wat deur hom gegee is waar dit toelaatbaar is om ‘n Moslem dood te maak.
Historiese konteks
‘N evaluering van Islam se houding teenoor afvalligheid sal onvltooid wees sonder om uit te brei oor die politieke samestelling van die godsdiens. Islam is in wese is ‘n stam-stelsel wat eens die sosiale samestelling van Arabië in die noorde was. Samelewing, in sy absolute sin, het nooit bestaan in die noorde voor Islam nie. Al wat daar bestaan het was sekere byeenkomste wat nooit floreer het of ontwikkel het in ‘n volwaardige samelewing nie vir verskeie redes; een was dat die meeste daar was nomade wie deur die woestyn gewandel het. Godsdiens was nie ‘n persoonlike saak nie maar ‘n gemeenskaplike saak in pre-Islamitiese Arabië. Die weg beweeg van godsdiens was gelykstaande aan hoogverraad en strafbaar met die dood. Die doodstraf vir afvalligheid soos wat dit ingelyf was in Islam is beter verstaanbaar wanneer dit na gekyk word deur so ‘n stam prisma. Muhammed het eens behoort aan die leefstyl maar het die samelewing verander en het dit so gedoen deur sekere stamme onder een dak te bring sonder om einige van die bestaande nome op te offer. Mohammed was suksesvol en het nie probeer om voor bestaande stam voorskrifte te verander nie. Instede, hy het baie daarvan in Islam geïnkorporeer. Die voorgeskrewe straf vir afvalligheid was een so praktyk wat Mohammed geannekseer het.
Vroeë Islam
Ons weet nie van enige een wie spesifiek dood gemaak is vir die misdaad van Afvalligheid nie gedurende die tyd van Mohammed. Dit is hoofsaaklik a.g.v. ‘n gebrek aan individue wie afvallig geword het gedurende Muhammed se leeftyd. Maar, in Sahih Bukhari Hadith word Muhammed gesien ‘n Bedouin in die pad steek wie dit begeer het om ontlae te raak van sy godsdiens. Die insident alleenlik gee nie ‘n aanduiding dat Mohammed Afvalligheid gesien het as enigiets minder as hoogverraad of ‘n misdaad wat die dood verdien nie. Die beweerde voorval het plaas gevind in die vroeë dae van Islam in Medina waar Muhammed se Islam en sy openbaringe onvoltooid was en ver van ‘n alomvattende leefwyse wat dit sou bekom ten tye van sy dood. Na die dood van Mohammed en onder Kalifaat van Abu Bakr het baie Afvalliges gesterf in die ‘‘Riddah‘‘ (afvallige) oorloë. Dit bevestig die feit dat Afvalligheid alreeds ‘n ernstige misdaad geword het in Islam en dat dit nie iets is wat later ontwikkel het nie. En dit was ‘n Koraanse vers wat vir Abu Bakr aangespoor het om te baklei teen die wie nie hulle tiendes wou betaal nie. Die mense het nie Islam as ‘n geheel verwerp nie maar het geweier om gehoor te gee aan een van die vyf  pilare (Zakat). Soos wat die historici sal bevestig, Abu Bakr het ‘n gewapende stryd met hulle gevoer in ‘n oorlog wat meer as ‘n jaar geduur het(632-633CE). Die Kalief het nie sy wapens neer gelê todat al die verwerpers dood gemaak is nie of terug gekeer het na die arms van Islam. Daar is ook baie stories waar Mohammed se bevel uit gevoer was om ateïste, Christene en Jode dood te maak omdat hulle Islam verlaat.
Islamitiese jurisdiksie oor Afvalligheid is afgelei van die woorde van Mohammed en die voor genoemde aksies van die Kalief en ander metgeselle. As die verwerping van een van die pilare van Islam gesien word as ‘n misdaad wat dan oorlog teen sulke mense regverdig, is dit net logies vir die voorgeskrewe straf vir afvalligheid in Islam die dood te wees. Imam Abu Hanifa’s se voorskrif soos gesien in Al-Shybani's Kitab al-Siyar verleen die afvallige ‘n gestipuleerde periode (nie meer as ‘n paar dae nie) om terug te keer na Islam of staar die doodstraf in die gesig. Al vier skole van Islamitiese regspraak stem ooreen met die uitspraak, met slegs geringe variasies of ‘n grasie periode toegelaat moet word. Die Hanafi skool van Islamitiese regspraak glo vroulike Afvalliges is ‘n uitsondering op die reël en moet nie dood gemaak word nie maar geslaan moet word en onder bevalling geplaas word todat sy sterf of berou toon, terwyl die oorblywende Shafi'i, Maliki en Hanbali skole almal ooreen stem dat die straf vir vroulike Afvalligheid dieselfde is as die van ‘n man.
Moderne Moslems
Vir byna 1400 jaar was die straf vir Afvalligheid die dood. Dis net onlangs wat dit aan gespreek is deur hoofsaaklik  ‘n paar ‘apologists‘ van die sowat 3% van die wêreld se Moslems wie in meer ontwikkelde gedeeltes van die wêreld bly. ‘n ‘‘Pew  opname‘‘ wat vrygestel is op die 2de, Desember, 2010, het gevind dat tot op vandag die meerderheid van Moslems ten gunste is om bestaande wetgewing in hulle eie lande te verander om steniging vir egbreuk, hand afkap vir diefstal, en die dood vir die wie Islam verlaat toe te laat.
Om jou ‘n idee te gee oor die getalle waarvan ons praat, gebruik ons Pakistan as ‘n voorbeeld; die 2010 opname het gevind dat 76% van Pakistanis saamstem dat Afvalliges moet dood gemaak word. In ‘n land met ‘n bevolking van 172,800,000 (96% van wie Moslem is), dit is 126,074,880 individue in ‘n enkele land. Aan die ander kant, slegs ‘n karige 13% van Moslems is teen die dood vir Afvalliges. As ons die posisie in neem dat Moslems wie sulke standpunte ekstremiste is, dan moet ons ook toegee dat die meerderheid van die  wêreld se Moslems ekstremiste is. Hulle is nie ‘n minderheid groep met belaglike idees nie.
Met alles in ag geneem, kan ons tot die slotsom kom dat vanuit godsdienstige tekste, geskiedenis en selfs die opinie van moderne Moslems dat die beslissing binne Islam is om Afvalliges dood te maak as hulle weier om terug te keer na Islam. Die beslissing is ook dieselfde binne die Shi’te sekte wie saam met die Sunnis bykans die hele wêreld se Moslem bevolking opmaak.
Primêre Artikels
Die volgende is opsommings van bladsye waarop Islam bespreek is t.o.v. Afvalligheid:
Islamitiese skrif en Afvalligheid
Hoof Artikel: Koraan, Hadith en Skoliere: Afvalligheid
Die bladsy kwoteer gesaghebbende Islamitiese bronne soos die Koraan, Hadith, en beide klassieke en moderne skoliere om jou ‘n akkurate beeld van wat Islam leer m.v.t. Afvalligheid.
Komentaar 'Abdullah: Allah se dissipel sê, ‘’Die bloed van ‘n Moslem wie bely dat geeneen die reg het om aanbid te word behalwe Allah en dat ek sy dissipel is, kan nie gespil word behalwe in drie gevalle: In Qisas vir moord, ‘n getroude persoon wie onwettige seks het buite die huwelik en die een wie weg beweeg van Islam en die Moslems verlaat.‘‘

Sahih Bukhari9: 83: 17Sahih Bukhari 9:83:17
Komentaar Ikrima: ‘’Ali het sommige mense verbrand en die nuus daarvan het Ibn Abbas bereik wie gesê het, ‘As ek in sy plek was sou ek hulle nie verbrand het, soos die profeet gesê het ‚‘ Moet nie ‘n persoon straf met Allah se straf nie. Daar is geen twyfel, ek sou hulle dood gemaak het, want die profeet het gesê, As iemand (‘n Moslem) sy godsdiens uit gooi, maak hom dood.’’

Sahih Bukhari4:52:260Sahih Bukhari 4:52:260
Do not translate this Core article without translating the linked articles first. Please also read the "WikiIslam:Translations" page for suggestions on which articles to translate and which to avoid. If you still have questions, post them on the "WikiIslam:Forum/Translation Project" page. Thank you.  
Afvalligheid en Mense Regte
Hoof Artikel: Afvalligheid en Mense Regte
Die volle teks was geneem van ‘n papier wat aangebied was deur Ibn Warraq by ‘n paneel bespreking oor Afvalligheid, Mense Regte, Godsdiens en Geloof wat gehou was by die 60ste Sessie van die VN se Kommissie op Mense Regte in Geneva, 18de, April, 2005
Dit is duidelik dat onder Islamitiese wetgewing moet ‘n Afvallige met die dood gestraf word. Hieroor is daar geen dispuut tussen klassieke Moslem of moderne skoliere nie…Sura II.217 word geïnterpreteer deur nie minder as die gesaghebbende al-Shafi'i (dood 820 C.E), die stigterslid van een van die vier ortodokse skole van regte in Sunni Islam, dat die dood straf voor geskryf moet word vir Afvalliges.. Sura II.217 lees:‘‘…Maar die wie herroep en sterf as ‘n ongelowige, sy werke sal kom na niks in die  wêreld en in die volgende en hulle is die metgeselle van die vuur vir altyd. Al-Thalabi en al –Khazan stem oor een daarmee. Al-Razi sê in sy komentaar oor Sura II.217 dat die Afvallige dood gemaak moet word. Dieselfde IV. 89: ‘‘Hulle sal jou geloof wegneem net soos wat hulle ongelowig is sodat julle almal dieselfde is. Moet hulle nie bevriend nie todat hulle van hulle huise gevlug het vir die saak van God. As hulle weg hardloop dan vang hulle en maak hulle dood waar jy hulle okal kry. Moet vir vriende en handlangers onder hulle soek nie…‘‘ Baydawi (dood c. 1315-16), in sy gevierde komentaar oor die Koraan interpreteer die vers soos volg: ‘‘ Wie okal sy rug op sy geloof draai ( irtada ), in die openbaar of in die geheim, vat hom en maak hom dood waar jy hom okal kry net soos enige ander ongelowige (infidel). Skei jouself van hom geheel en al. Moenie voorbidding in sy verband aanvaar nie. ‘‘ Ibn Kathir in sy komentaar oor die vers kwoteer Al Suddi (dood 745) wie gesê dat aangesien die ongelowiges hulle ongeloog laat manifesteer het behoort hulle dood gemaak te word.

Impak van Afvalligheid Wette in die Wêreld vandag
Hoof artikel: Vervolging van Ex-Moslems
'''Apostasy''' (ارتداد, irtidād and ridda) i.e. the rejection of faith, is a serious offense in [[Islam]]. The punishment for apostasy as prescribed by the Islamic prophet [[Muhammad]] is death. A ''murtad'' (مرتد apostate) who hides his apostasy is referred to as a ''munāfiq'' (منافق hypocrite).
Voormalige Moslems word baie kere vervolg, mishandel en dood gemaak deur Moslems. Die tipe behandeling van Afvalliges is nie ‘n eenvoudige kwessie van staat-gedwingde godsdiens nie soos sommiges will voorstel nie. Die geweld of dreigemente van geweld teen afvalliges stem nie van die owerhede nie, maar van familielede en individue van binne die Islamitiese gemeenskappe wie optree sonder om gestraf te word deur die owerhede. Die punt is verder beklemtoon deur die vervolging en moord van  voormalige Moslems in baie nie-Moslem gemeenskappe. Byvoorbeeld, in 2007 moes die dogter van ‘n Britse Imam onder polisie beskerming geplaas word nadat haar pa ( ‘n leier van ‘n Moskee in Lancashire) haar met die dood gedreig het omdat sy ‘n Christen geword het.
Noemenswaardige voormalige Moslems
Hoof artikel: Noemenswaardige voormalige Moslems
Terwyl afvalligheid in Islam gevaarlik is, asook film sterre en ‘rappers‘, baie uitgesproke  Moslem predikante, Mullahs, Imams, skoliere, sending werkers en selfs terroriste  het afvallig geword en het ateïste, Boeddhiste, Christene, Hindoes ens. geword. Deur dit te doen het baie (insluitend Ibn Warraq en Mark Gabriel) dit op hulle self geneem om die Islamitiese ideologie teen te staan en het bekendes (celebrity) geword in hulle eie reg.
Moslems verlaat Islam by die Miljoene
Hoof artikel. Mense wie Islam verlaat het en Komentaar van Voormalige Moslems
Baie kere adverteer Moslems ( soms valslik) nuus oor hoe nie-Moslems hulle bekeer tot Islam, maar hulle vertel jou nie die ander kant van die storie nie waar Moslems ook Islam verlaat. Daar is meer Moslems vandag wie Islam verlaat as nuwe bekeerlinge na die godsdiens. In sub-Sahara alleen verlaat 6 miljoen Moslems Islam elke jaar. Eers die meerderheid godsdiens op die vasteland, hulle is vandag ‘n minderheid met die Christelike geloof in die meerderheid. Die groot getalle afvalliges in Islam is ongeken in die geskiedenis van Islam. Hier by WikiIslam  dokumenteer ons die nuus en is die gasheer vir honderde geskrewe getuienisse.
Afvalligheid bespreek in Arabiese / Islamitiese Media
Hoof artikel: Afvalligheid (Vertalings van Arabiese / Islamitiese Media)
Die gedeelte bevat Engelse vertalings van verskeie Arabiese / Islamitiese media wat afvalligheid bespreek.
Wie okal Allah beledig, die Engele, en die godsdiens het afvallig geword van Islam en het ‘n ongelowige (infidel) geword – (ooreengekom)
Die afvallige is die wetlike bevoegde een wie vrywilliglik ontrek van Islam, of hy openlik sy afvalligheid verklaar, of iets sê wat hom ‘n afvallige maak, of iets doen wat hom ‘n afvallige maak. In die geval het die man iets gesê wat hom ‘n Afvallige maak!!Hy het die godsdiens beledig, of in ander woorde, het die spot gedryf en die godsdiens verkleineer.  Ons neem dit van Islam – (ooreengekom)
Die beslissing oor die Afvallige is dat hy vergifnis moet soek binne 3 dae, en indien nie, moet hy dood gemaak word volgens die woorde van die profeet Muhammed (peace be upon him): Die bloed van ‘n Moslem is ontoelaatbaar behalwe onder een van drie voorwaardes: 1) hy pleeg egbreuk, 2) hy neem ‘n onskildige lewe, of 3) hy het sy geloof laat vaar en skei hom van sy gemeenskap ( vertel deur Al-Bukhari en Moslem van Ibn Mas’ud) 
Laat ons waaksaam wees, dienaars van Almagtige Allah, sodat ons nie sorgeloos en roekeloos wees in ons woorde en dade nie, en om Almagtige Allah te vrees in dit wat ons sê. Dit is ‘n groot ramp vir beledigings na die godsdiens en soort gelyk om  op ons tonge gevind te word instede van herinnering en dankbaarheid aan God.
Wat is die versoening vir die wie die godsdiens beledig het, en as hy die pelgrimstog (Hajj) voltooi het, moet hy dit weer onderneem? Islamic Fatwa Council of Jerusalem, February 10, 2009


In Islam, the rejection in part (of any of the pillars, or individual principles of Islam), or discarding the faith as a whole, amounts to apostasy.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=|2=2011-02-25}} Questions about Apostasy (Blasphemy)] - Al</ref> The punishment for apostasy in the Islamic faith is death. Though it may be argued that this is not clear through the [[Qur'an]] alone, scholars have found justification for the penalty from [[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Apostasy|within its pages]], and there are also numerous [[Sahih]] (authentic) [[hadith]]s confirming this punishment as attested by Prophet Muhammad. In Sahih Bukhari, we see it as “Allah's Apostle said, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him'”,<ref name="apostasy">M. Muhsin Khan (Translator) - [{{Reference archive|1=|2=2011-10-30}} Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84 - Dealing with Apostates, Number 57] - USC-MSA, [[Compendium of Muslim Texts]]</ref> and it was also one of only three reasons given by him where killing a Muslim is permitted.<ref>M. Muhsin Khan (Translator) - [{{Reference archive|1=|2=2011-10-30}} Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 83 - Blood Money (Ad-Diyat), Number 17] - USC-MSA, [[Compendium of Muslim Texts]]</ref>
Opstelle of ‘’Op-Eds’’ weerspieël nie noodwendig die oogpunte van WikiIslam nie. Kyk na die WikiIslam: Opstelle / ‘Op-Eds‘ vir meer besonderhede.
Wenke vir Ex-Moslems
Hoof Artikel: Wenke vir Ex-Moslems
Selfs in vry en sekulêre samelewings is die lewe vir ‘n Islamitiese Afvallige dikwels moeilik en gevaarlik soos wat ‘n onlangse opname in die Verenigde Koninkryk bloot gelê het (1 uit 3 Britse Moslems tussen 16 en 24 glo dat Moslem Afvalliges tereg gestel moet word). Die artikels bied praktiese advies vir nuwe Afvalliges.

Even in free and secular societies, life for the Islamic apostate is often a difficult and dangerous one, as a recent poll in the United Kingdom found out (1 out of 3 British Muslims aged 16 to 24 believe that Muslim apostates should be executed).[18] This article offers practical advice for new apostates.
===Historical Context===
Help Andere om Islam te verlaat
Hoof Artikel: Verlig andere om Islam te verlaat
An evaluation of Islam's attitude to apostasy would not be complete without expounding on the political make up of the religion. Islam is essentially a tribal system that once was the social composition of Arabia in the north. Society, in its absolute sense, had never been in existence in the north prior to Islam. All that existed there were certain assemblages that never flourished or evolved into a fully fledged society for several reasons; one being, that most at that time were nomads wandering throughout the desert. Religion was not a personal but communal affair in pre-Islamic Arabia. Deserting religion thus amounted to treason and so was punishable by death. The death penalty being incorporated into Islam for apostasy is better understood when viewed through this tribal prism. Muhammad once belonged to this way of life, but reshuffled society and he did so by organizing certain tribes under one roof without sacrificing much of the already existing norms. Muhammad was successful, thus, did not venture to get rid of all pre-existing tribal prescripts. Instead, he assimilated many of them into his new religion. The prescribed punishment for apostasy was one such practice which Muhammad annexed.
‘N artikel wat fokus om andere te oortuig om Islam te verlaat. Deur belangrike kwessies en vra te ondersoek kan dit as ‘n vertrek punt dien vir verdere navorsing en bespreking. Ons moet altyd onthou om die individuele Moslem te respekteer, maar om krities te wees oor Islam.
‘N Afvallige Buite die Moslem Wêreld
===Early Islam===
Hoof Artikel: Rifqa Barry
Terwyl die vervolging van mense wie besluit om Afvallig te wees van Islam in die meer ontwikkelde gedeeltes van die wêreld, meer aandag geniet as andere, is geen ander meer gepubliseer as die van die tiener Fathima Rifqa Barry nie. As ‘n immigrant van Sri Lanka na Amerika het sy in die geheim haar bekeer het tot die Christelike geloof op die ouderdom van dertien. ‘N lid van die‘‘ Noor Islamic Cultural Center’’ het haar godsdienstige oortuigings ontdek. Die Artikel vertel haar storie.
We do not know of any apostates being killed during the lifetime of Muhammad for the specific crime of apostasy. This is largely due to the lack of individuals apostatizing during Muhammad's life. However in one Sahih Bukhari hadith, Muhammad is seen deporting a Bedouin who desired to discard his religion. This incident alone does not indicate Muhammad viewing apostasy as anything less than treason or a crime worthy of death. This alleged incident occurred during the early stages of Islam in Medina where Muhammad’s Islam and its revelations were incomplete and a far cry from the all encompassing way of life it was to become by the time of his death. After the [[Muhammad's Death|death of Muhammad]] and under the [[Caliph|Caliphate]] of Abu Bakr, many apostates had been killed during the lengthy “Riddah (apostasy) wars”. This attests to the fact that apostasy had already become a serious crime within Islam and was not some later innovation. In fact, it was a Qur’anic verse<ref>"''But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.''" - {{Quran|9|5}}</ref> which prompted Abu Bakr to fight against the people who refused to pay tithe. These people were not rejecting Islam as a whole but only refusing to abide by one of its five pillars ([[Zakat]]). As historians will testify, Abu Bakr took up arms against them in a bloody war which lasted for over a year (632–633 CE). The Caliph did not put down his arms until all rejectors were either killed or had reverted back into the fold of Islam. There are also many narrations which record Muhammad's command being followed by his [[Sahabah|companions]], with atheists,<ref name="apostasy"></ref> Christians,<ref name="Maududi">Abul Ala Maududi - [ The Punishment of the Apostate According to Islamic Law] - Islamic Publications Ltd., Lahore, 1963</ref> and Jews<ref>M. Muhsin Khan (Translator) - [{{Reference archive|1=|2=2011-10-30}} Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84 - Dealing with Apostates, Number 58] - USC-MSA, [[Compendium of Muslim Texts]]</ref> being put to death for leaving Islam.
Voor die Bekering tot Islam
Hoof Artikels: Voor die Bekering tot Islam en Bekommernis Met Islam: Gedagtes van ‘n Amerikaanse Bekeerling
Baie bekeerlinge na Islam is Christene, Jode, Hindoes, Ateïste ens., wie beweer dat hulle die lig gesien het en dat Islam is die enigste ware godsdiens. Moslems verwelkom die nuwe bekeerlinge en moedig hulle aan om hulle stories te deel op die Internet, tydskrifte en televisie. Hulle verskyn baie kere op verskeie Muslim media uitlaat punte om te demonstreer dat Islam bereik verder as net eenvoudig die wie in die geloof gebore is. Die nuwe bekeerlinge is bewyse dat Islam die waarheid is.
Maar die meeste individue wie bekeer selde kies om Islam objektief te bestudeer voor om so ‘n belangrike besluit te maak. Instede verkies hulle om in geneem te word deur propaganda net om te ontdek dat hulle een van die grootste foute van hulle lewe gemaak het. Dit is bevestig deur navorsing wat uit gevoer is deur die gerespekteerde Pakistani-gebore Amerikaanse Moslem Dr. Ilyas Ba-Yunus (1932 – 2007) wie ontdek het dat 75% van nuwe Moslem bekeerlinge in Amerika los Islam binne ‘n paar jaar. Die artikel poog om nie-Moslems te help om dieselfde lot te vermei wat deur miljoene Afvalliges reg oor die wêreld beleef is.
For a comprehensive collation of the rulings regarding apostasy from the four Sunni schools of Jurisprudence, with additional sources cited beyond those given here, see the article:
Verskeidenheid (Miscellaneous)
Moslem belofte vir Godsdiens Vryheid
[,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Apostasy#Fiqh Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars: Apostasy#Fiqh]
Hoof Artikel: Moslem Belofte vir Godsdiens Vryheid en Veiligheid van Leed vir Voormalige Moslems
Die Moslem Belofte vir Godsdiens Vryheid en Veiligheid van Leed vir Voormalige Moslems was gestig deur Voormalige Moslems Verenig (Former Muslims United), ‘n menslike regte organisasie gestig in September 2009 deur ‘n groep Amerikaanse Afvalliges van Islam. Dit vra dat Amerikaanse Moslem leiers en Moslems wie in ‘n posisie van verantwoordelikheid is in Federale, staat of plaaslike regering om godsdiens vryheid te eerbiedig en die veiligheid van voormalige Moslems deur die verwerping van Islamitiese wetgewing pertinent tot fisisiese leed of die moord van die wie Islam verlaat.
Islamic jurisprudence on Apostasy is derived from the words of Muhammad and the aforementioned actions of the Caliph and other companions. If rejecting one of the [[Five Pillars of Islam|pillars of Islam]] is considered to be a crime warranting war against such people, it is only logical for the prescribed punishment for apostasy in Islam to be death. Imam Abu Hanifa’s prescript as seen in Al-Shybani's Kitab al-Siyar grants the apostate a stipulated period of three days to revert back to Islam or face the death penalty. All [[Madh'hab|four schools]] of Sunni Islamic [[Fiqh|jurisprudence]] are in agreement with this ruling, with only slight variations on whether to allow the grace period and the punishment for females.<ref name="Maududi"></ref> The Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence believe female apostates are an exception to the rule and are not to be killed, but beaten every three days and put under confinement until death or repentance, while the remaining Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali schools all agree the verdict for the female apostate is the same as for the male.<ref>'Abdurrahmani'l-Djaziri - [ The Penalties for Apostasy in Islam According to the Four Schools of Islamic Law] - "The Case of the Female Apostate" (Pg. 19)</ref> In Shia Islam, the males are to be executed, but females imprisoned and beaten at the times of Salah.<ref name="PetersDeVries">Peters, R.and G.J.J.De Vries (1976-77), 'Apostasy in Islam'. Die Welt des Islams 17, 1/4:1-25 [ pdf of the article] or [ jstor article with free read access]</ref>
Die Vryheid Belofte, gepaardgaande met ‘n dek brief, was gestuur na 125 leiers van Moslem organisasies op 25 September, 2009, en ook na 234 Moslems in posisies van verantwoordelikheid in regering en private organisasies op 4 Julie, 2012. Tot hede het net 2 Moslems die skriftelike belofte geteken: Dr. Zuhdi Jasser van die Amerikaanse Islamitiese Forum vir Demokrasie en Dr. Ali Alyami van die ‘Center for Democracy & Human Rights in Saudi Arabia. ‘ Prominente individue soos Dalia Mogahed is gekritiseer omdat sy nie ondersteuning vir die belofte getoon het nie.
Webtuistes, ‘Blogs‘ en Bronne vir Voormalige Moslems
The conditions for apostasy are that the apostate is performing an act of free will, is of adult age (which means puberty in Islam), is of sound mind, and does so intentionally.<ref name="PetersDeVries"></ref>
Hoof Artikels : Islam on the Net: Ex-Muslim en Resources for Former Muslims
Daar is ‘n verskeidenheid webtuistes en ‘Blogs’ wat deur voormalige Moslems geskep is. Ons bied skakels (links) en ‘n kort opvatting van baie van hulle (voeg jou tuiste). Ons bied ook aan ‘n hulpbronne blaai gemik op voormalige Moslems wat skakel na sommige webtuistes en forums vir intergeloof besprekings, netwerking en soort gelyke dinge. Sienings op daai webtuistes is nie noodwendig die van WikiIslam nie.
The rulings for the four [[Madh'hab|four schools]] of Sunni Islamic [[Fiqh|jurisprudence]] and the [[w:Ja'fari_jurisprudence|Ja'fari]] school in Shia Islam can be summarised as follows:<ref name="PetersDeVries"></ref><ref>[ webcitation archive] Sunni books of jurisprudence (translations) quoted in The Rationaliser, [ Apostasy in Islam], 2014</ref><ref>[] Imam Khomeini, Tahrir al-Wasilar Volumie IV (English translation), Tehran: Institute for Compilation of Imam Khomeini's works, 2011, p.255</ref>
'''Hanafi''' - recommends three days of imprisonment before execution to allow repentance, although the delay before killing the Muslim apostate is not mandatory. Apostates who are men must be killed, states the Hanafi Sunni fiqh, while women must be held in solitary confinement and beaten every three days till they recant and return to Islam.
'''Maliki''' - allows three days for recantation, after which the apostate must be killed. The same applies to both men and women apostates according to the traditional view of Sunni Maliki fiqh.
'''Shafi'i''' - waiting period of three days is required to allow the Muslim apostate to repent and return to Islam. After the wait, execution is the traditional recommended punishment for both men and women apostates.
'''Hanbali''' - three day waiting period should be granted. Apostate is invited three times to repent. Execution is the traditionally recommended punishment for both genders of Muslim apostates.
And in Shia Islam:
'''Ja'fari''' - waiting period not necessary, but may be granted according to this Shia fiqh, but only if the apostate was born a disbeliever (Murtad al-Milli). A male apostate must be executed, states the Ja'fari fiqh, while a female apostate must be held in solitary confinement and beaten on the hours of salah with her food tightly rationed till she repents and returns to Islam.
There are also civil law penalties for apostates who are imprisoned, awaiting execution, or have taken flight.<ref name="PetersDeVries"></ref><ref>[] Fatwah 134339: Effect of apostasy on marriage before and after consummation]</ref> Except for the Hanafites, the apostate's right to dispose of his or her property is suspended pending repentance. An apostate loses the right to inherit (from anyone, Muslim or otherwise). The schools and jurists within them differ on whether all an apostate's property goes to their Muslim heirs, or just that acquired before his apostasy (if a male). The apostate's marriage contract is annulled upon the act of apostasy, even if they repent, or is suspended pending repentance within the wife's waiting period in the Shafi'i school (if already consumated) and Shia Ja'fari school (if the apostate was born a disbeliever).
===Modern Muslims===
A Pew poll released on April 30, 2013 asked Muslims in 39 countries between 2008 and 2012 questions about religion, politics and society based on 38,000 face-to-face interviews. In one question, asked in 37 of these countries with a combined Muslim population of just over 1 billion people, the survey asked participants whether they favored or opposed the death penalty for leaving Islam. Using the complete dataset for this question on page 219 of the full report<ref>[ The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society] Pew Research Centre, 30 April 2013, p.219 (responses by country to the question on apostasy)</ref>, and weighing the responses by Muslim population<ref>[ Future Global Muslim Population] Pew Research Centre, 2011, pp.156-163 (Estimated Muslim population by country in 2010)</ref> indicates that overall, 40% of Muslims in these countries favour the death penalty for apostasy from Islam.
The percentage was below 10% in Central Asia, Turkey and Balkan countries included in the survey. It was above 50% in Afghanistan (79%), Egypt (88%), Jordan (83%), Malaysia (58%), Pakistan (75%), Palestinian Territories (62%), and Djbouti (62%). It is possible that support for the penalty has fallen in the years since the survey was conducted due to worldwide distaste for the actions of ISIS and attempts to distance Islam from the actions of that group, and in Egypt following the negative experience of Muslim Brotherhood government.
Note that a common mistake is made by commentators on this survey who don't read the full dataset at the end of the full report. In Chapter 1: Beliefs about Sharia, there is a table showing support for the death penalty for apostasy by those who answered that they were in favour of Sharia in their country in an earlier question. Multiplying the percentages in these two tables results in significantly lower, but incorrect conclusions compared to those mentioned above (Egypt, for example would appear to have 64% support for the penalty on this basis, and overall support in the countries surveyed would be approximately 35% after weighing by Muslim population).
However, this approach ignores support for the apostasy death penalty by those who answered that they do not support / don't know whether they support Sharia being the official law in their country, which surprisingly, makes a significant difference. Only the table on page 219 reveals support for the apostasy death penalty for all respondents in each country. This was confirmed by an independent analysis of the data and correspondance with Pew's Director of International Survey Research.<ref>[ Check the original source! How so many writers got the facts wrong after the Maher vs. Affleck Islam debate] [ Archive]</ref>
Nevertheless, a strong correlation can be seen in the results for the two questions on support for Sharia and support for the death penalty for apostates.<ref>Survey Reports - [ The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society - Chapter 1: Beliefs about Sharia] - Pew Research Center, April 30, 2013</ref>
So with all points considered, we can rightly conclude from religious texts, history and even modern Muslim opinion in most of the countries with the strongest support for Sharia, that the ruling of Islam is to put apostates to death if they refuse to revert back to their Islamic faith. This ruling remains true even among the [[Shiite|Shi'ite]] sect,<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=|2=2011-10-04}} A Shiite Opinion on Apostasy] - Originally from Kayhan International, March 1986</ref> whom together with the [[Sunni]]s constitute almost the entirety of the world's Muslim population.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=|2=2011-10-04}} Comparison of Sunni and Shia Islam] - ReligionFacts, accessed October 4, 2011</ref><ref>Tracy Miller - [ Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population] - Pew Research Center, October 2009</ref>
===Modern Scholars and Apologetics===
Some modern scholars ignore centuries of Islamic jurisprudence on the penalty for apostasy and instead interpret certain Qur'anic verses as allowing freedom of religion, including apostasy. They also argue that some apostates were allowed to live during Muhammad's lifetime, and point to a small number of early scholars who they claim supported less severe treatment of apostates. These interpretations and claims are disputed by traditionalists.
There is also a growing trend to instead interpret or contextualize hadiths and Qur'anic verses to mean that only those apostates who fought against the Muslims or gave support to their enemies were to be given the penalty. It is then regarded in these apologetics as a punishment for treason. Others claim that even talking openly about one's apostasy is an act of treason by undermining the foundation of the Islamic state, but that apostates who keep their beliefs private should be left alone.
==Primary Articles==
The following are summaries of pages discussing Islam, in relation to Apostasy:
===Islamic Writing and Apostasy===
{{Main|Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Apostasy}}
This page simply quotes authoritative Islamic sources, i.e. the Qur'an, hadith, and both classical and modern scholars, to provide you with an accurate picture of what Islam teaches in regards to apostasy.
{{quote |{{Bukhari|9|83|17}} |  Narrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims." }}
{{quote |{{Bukhari|4|52|260}} | Narrated Ikrima:
Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "}}
===Apostasy and Human Rights===
{{Main|Apostasy and Human Rights}}
The full text taken from a paper that was presented by Ibn Warraq at a panel discussion on "Apostasy, Human Rights, Religion and Belief" held at the the 60<sup>th</sup> Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, held in Geneva, 18<sup>th</sup> April 2005.
{{Quote||It is clear quite clear that under Islamic Law an apostate must be put to death. There is no dispute on this ruling among classical Muslim or modern scholars... Sura II.217 is interpreted by no less an authority than al-Shafi'i(died 820 C.E.), the founder of one of the four orthodox schools of law of Sunni Islam to mean that the death penalty should be prescribed for apostates. Sura II.217 reads: "... But whoever of you recants and dies an unbeliever , his works shall come to nothing in this world and the next, and they are the companions of the fire for ever." Al-Thalabi and al -Khazan concur. Al-Razi in his commentary on II:217 says the apostate should be killed .
Similarly, IV. 89: "They would have you disbelieve as they themselves have disbelieved, so that you may be all like alike. Do not befriend them until they have fled their homes for the cause of God. If they desert you seize them and put them to death wherever you find them. Look for neither friends nor helpers among them..." Baydawi (died c. 1315-16), in his celebrated commentary on the Koran, interprets this passage to mean: "Whosover turns back from his belief ( irtada ), openly or secretly, take him and kill him wheresoever ye find him, like any other infidel. Separate yourself from him altogether .Do not accept intercession in his regard". Ibn Kathir in his commentary on this passage quoting Al Suddi (died 745) says that since the unbelievers had manifested their unbelief they should be killed.}}
===Real-World Impact of Apostasy Laws===
{{Main|Persecution of Ex-Muslims}}
Former Muslims are often persecuted, abused and killed by Muslims. This treatment of apostates is not simply down to the issue of state-enforced religion as some may suggest. The violence or threats of violence against apostates in the Muslim world usually derives, not from government authorities, but from family members and individuals from the Islamic communities themselves, who operate very often with impunity from the government. This point is further emphasized by the persecution and murder of former Muslims which has now become evident in many non-Muslim societies. For example, in 2007 the daughter of a British Imam was taken under police protection after receiving death threats from her father (a leader of a mosque in Lancashire) for converting to Christianity.<ref>[{{Reference archive|1=|2=2012-10-12}} Imam's daughter in hiding after her conversion to Christianity sparked death threats] - London Evening Standard, December 6, 2007</ref>
===Notable Former Muslims===
{{Main|Notable Former Muslims}}
Whilst apostatizing from the Islamic faith is a dangerous thing to do, in addition to movie stars and rappers, many outspoken Muslim preachers, mullahs, imams, scholars, missionaries and even terrorists have apostatized and become atheists, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu's etc. In doing so, many (including Ibn Warraq and Mark Gabriel) have taken it upon themselves to oppose the Islamic ideology and have become celebrities in their own right.
===Muslims Leaving Islam by the Millions===
Muslims often (sometimes [[Fake Conversions|falsely]]) advertise news of non-Muslims converting to Islam, but they do not tell the other side of the story, where Muslims are also leaving Islam. There are more Muslims leaving Islam today than there are new converts joining it.<ref>[ 6 Million Muslims LEAVE Islam every year!] Shiekh Ahmed Katani, speaking with Maher Abdallah</ref> In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, 6 million Muslims are leaving Islam each and every year. Once the majority faith of the continent, they are now the minority with Christianity being the majority. The sheer volume of recent apostates is unprecedented in the history of Islam. Here at WikiIslam, we document this news and host hundreds of written testimonies.
===Apostasy Discussed in Arabic/Islamic Media===
{{Main|Apostasy (Translations of Arabic/Islamic Media)}}
This hub page contains English translations of various Arabic/Islamic media discussing apostasy.
{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=|2=2011-04-21}} What is the expiation for he who insults the religion, and if he has performed the hajj, does he need to perform it (again)?]<BR>Islamic Fatwa Council of Jerusalem, February 10, 2009|2=Whoever insults Allah, the angels, and the religion, has apostatized from Islam, and become an infidel -- (agreed).
The apostate is the legally competent one who voluntarily withdraws from Islam, whether he openly declares his infidelity, or utters something which makes him an infidel, or does something which makes him an infidel. In this case, this man has uttered something which makes him an infidel! For he insulted the religion, or in other words mocked, ridiculed, and belittled it. We take this from Islam -- (agreed).
The ruling on the apostate is for him to seek forgiveness within three days, and if not he is killed, according to the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "The blood of a Muslim man is not permissible except under one of three conditions:  1) he commits adultery, 2) he takes an innocent life, or 3) he abandons his religion and separates himself from the community" (narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Mas'ud).  
Let us beware, servants of Almighty Allah, to not be careless or reckless in our words and deeds, and to fear Almighty Allah in that which we say. For it is a great disaster for insults to the religion and the like to be found on our tongues, rather than remembrance and thanks for Almighty Allah.}}
*{{flag|the United Kingdom}} UK - [ Persecution of 3000 Muslim Converts to Christianity]
*{{flag|Turkey}} Turkey - [ Muslim converts to Christianity face upto 3 year jail]
*{{flag|Germany}} Germany - [ Persecution of Muslim Converts to Christianity]
*{{flag|Egypt}} Egypt - [ Persecution of Muslim Converts to Christianity]
*{{flag|Malaysia}} Malaysia - [ Persecution of Muslim Converts to Christianity]
==See Also==
*[[Converts to Islam]]
*[[Fake Conversions]]
*[[Islam and Freedom of Speech]]
{{Translation-links-english|[[Uvod do problematiky odpadlictvi v Islamu|Czech]], [[Une introduction a lapostasie dans lislam|French]]}}
'''Other Core Articles'''
''Core articles contain an overview of other articles related to a specific issue, and serve as a starting point for anyone wishing to learn about Islam:''
*[[Islam and Homosexuality]]
*[[Islam and Miracles]]
*[[Islam and Pedophilia]]
*[[Islam and Propaganda]]
*[[Islam and Science]]
*[[Islam and Scripture]]
*[[Islam and the People of the Book]]
*[[Islam and Violence]]
*[[Islam and Women]]
==External Links==
*[ Apostasy] ''- Answering Islam''
*[ Accusing Muslim Intellectuals of Apostasy] ''- Aluma Dankowitz, MEMRI: Inquiry and Analysis No. 208, February, 18,2005''
*[ Apostasy in Islam] ''- Ibn Kammuna''
*[ Throwing Apostates to the Wolves] ''- Nonie Darwish''
[[Category:Core Articles]]
[[Category:Islamic Law]]

Revision as of 20:45, 26 December 2018

Apostasy (ارتداد, irtidād and ridda) i.e. the rejection of faith, is a serious offense in Islam. The punishment for apostasy as prescribed by the Islamic prophet Muhammad is death. A murtad (مرتد apostate) who hides his apostasy is referred to as a munāfiq (منافق hypocrite).

This is a core topic which contains summaries
of WikiIslam articles related to it



In Islam, the rejection in part (of any of the pillars, or individual principles of Islam), or discarding the faith as a whole, amounts to apostasy.[1] The punishment for apostasy in the Islamic faith is death. Though it may be argued that this is not clear through the Qur'an alone, scholars have found justification for the penalty from within its pages, and there are also numerous Sahih (authentic) hadiths confirming this punishment as attested by Prophet Muhammad. In Sahih Bukhari, we see it as “Allah's Apostle said, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him'”,[2] and it was also one of only three reasons given by him where killing a Muslim is permitted.[3]

Historical Context

An evaluation of Islam's attitude to apostasy would not be complete without expounding on the political make up of the religion. Islam is essentially a tribal system that once was the social composition of Arabia in the north. Society, in its absolute sense, had never been in existence in the north prior to Islam. All that existed there were certain assemblages that never flourished or evolved into a fully fledged society for several reasons; one being, that most at that time were nomads wandering throughout the desert. Religion was not a personal but communal affair in pre-Islamic Arabia. Deserting religion thus amounted to treason and so was punishable by death. The death penalty being incorporated into Islam for apostasy is better understood when viewed through this tribal prism. Muhammad once belonged to this way of life, but reshuffled society and he did so by organizing certain tribes under one roof without sacrificing much of the already existing norms. Muhammad was successful, thus, did not venture to get rid of all pre-existing tribal prescripts. Instead, he assimilated many of them into his new religion. The prescribed punishment for apostasy was one such practice which Muhammad annexed.

Early Islam

We do not know of any apostates being killed during the lifetime of Muhammad for the specific crime of apostasy. This is largely due to the lack of individuals apostatizing during Muhammad's life. However in one Sahih Bukhari hadith, Muhammad is seen deporting a Bedouin who desired to discard his religion. This incident alone does not indicate Muhammad viewing apostasy as anything less than treason or a crime worthy of death. This alleged incident occurred during the early stages of Islam in Medina where Muhammad’s Islam and its revelations were incomplete and a far cry from the all encompassing way of life it was to become by the time of his death. After the death of Muhammad and under the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, many apostates had been killed during the lengthy “Riddah (apostasy) wars”. This attests to the fact that apostasy had already become a serious crime within Islam and was not some later innovation. In fact, it was a Qur’anic verse[4] which prompted Abu Bakr to fight against the people who refused to pay tithe. These people were not rejecting Islam as a whole but only refusing to abide by one of its five pillars (Zakat). As historians will testify, Abu Bakr took up arms against them in a bloody war which lasted for over a year (632–633 CE). The Caliph did not put down his arms until all rejectors were either killed or had reverted back into the fold of Islam. There are also many narrations which record Muhammad's command being followed by his companions, with atheists,[2] Christians,[5] and Jews[6] being put to death for leaving Islam.


For a comprehensive collation of the rulings regarding apostasy from the four Sunni schools of Jurisprudence, with additional sources cited beyond those given here, see the article:

Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars: Apostasy#Fiqh

Islamic jurisprudence on Apostasy is derived from the words of Muhammad and the aforementioned actions of the Caliph and other companions. If rejecting one of the pillars of Islam is considered to be a crime warranting war against such people, it is only logical for the prescribed punishment for apostasy in Islam to be death. Imam Abu Hanifa’s prescript as seen in Al-Shybani's Kitab al-Siyar grants the apostate a stipulated period of three days to revert back to Islam or face the death penalty. All four schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence are in agreement with this ruling, with only slight variations on whether to allow the grace period and the punishment for females.[5] The Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence believe female apostates are an exception to the rule and are not to be killed, but beaten every three days and put under confinement until death or repentance, while the remaining Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali schools all agree the verdict for the female apostate is the same as for the male.[7] In Shia Islam, the males are to be executed, but females imprisoned and beaten at the times of Salah.[8]

The conditions for apostasy are that the apostate is performing an act of free will, is of adult age (which means puberty in Islam), is of sound mind, and does so intentionally.[8]

The rulings for the four four schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence and the Ja'fari school in Shia Islam can be summarised as follows:[8][9][10]

Hanafi - recommends three days of imprisonment before execution to allow repentance, although the delay before killing the Muslim apostate is not mandatory. Apostates who are men must be killed, states the Hanafi Sunni fiqh, while women must be held in solitary confinement and beaten every three days till they recant and return to Islam.

Maliki - allows three days for recantation, after which the apostate must be killed. The same applies to both men and women apostates according to the traditional view of Sunni Maliki fiqh.

Shafi'i - waiting period of three days is required to allow the Muslim apostate to repent and return to Islam. After the wait, execution is the traditional recommended punishment for both men and women apostates.

Hanbali - three day waiting period should be granted. Apostate is invited three times to repent. Execution is the traditionally recommended punishment for both genders of Muslim apostates.

And in Shia Islam:

Ja'fari - waiting period not necessary, but may be granted according to this Shia fiqh, but only if the apostate was born a disbeliever (Murtad al-Milli). A male apostate must be executed, states the Ja'fari fiqh, while a female apostate must be held in solitary confinement and beaten on the hours of salah with her food tightly rationed till she repents and returns to Islam.

There are also civil law penalties for apostates who are imprisoned, awaiting execution, or have taken flight.[8][11] Except for the Hanafites, the apostate's right to dispose of his or her property is suspended pending repentance. An apostate loses the right to inherit (from anyone, Muslim or otherwise). The schools and jurists within them differ on whether all an apostate's property goes to their Muslim heirs, or just that acquired before his apostasy (if a male). The apostate's marriage contract is annulled upon the act of apostasy, even if they repent, or is suspended pending repentance within the wife's waiting period in the Shafi'i school (if already consumated) and Shia Ja'fari school (if the apostate was born a disbeliever).

Modern Muslims

A Pew poll released on April 30, 2013 asked Muslims in 39 countries between 2008 and 2012 questions about religion, politics and society based on 38,000 face-to-face interviews. In one question, asked in 37 of these countries with a combined Muslim population of just over 1 billion people, the survey asked participants whether they favored or opposed the death penalty for leaving Islam. Using the complete dataset for this question on page 219 of the full report[12], and weighing the responses by Muslim population[13] indicates that overall, 40% of Muslims in these countries favour the death penalty for apostasy from Islam.

The percentage was below 10% in Central Asia, Turkey and Balkan countries included in the survey. It was above 50% in Afghanistan (79%), Egypt (88%), Jordan (83%), Malaysia (58%), Pakistan (75%), Palestinian Territories (62%), and Djbouti (62%). It is possible that support for the penalty has fallen in the years since the survey was conducted due to worldwide distaste for the actions of ISIS and attempts to distance Islam from the actions of that group, and in Egypt following the negative experience of Muslim Brotherhood government.

Note that a common mistake is made by commentators on this survey who don't read the full dataset at the end of the full report. In Chapter 1: Beliefs about Sharia, there is a table showing support for the death penalty for apostasy by those who answered that they were in favour of Sharia in their country in an earlier question. Multiplying the percentages in these two tables results in significantly lower, but incorrect conclusions compared to those mentioned above (Egypt, for example would appear to have 64% support for the penalty on this basis, and overall support in the countries surveyed would be approximately 35% after weighing by Muslim population).

However, this approach ignores support for the apostasy death penalty by those who answered that they do not support / don't know whether they support Sharia being the official law in their country, which surprisingly, makes a significant difference. Only the table on page 219 reveals support for the apostasy death penalty for all respondents in each country. This was confirmed by an independent analysis of the data and correspondance with Pew's Director of International Survey Research.[14]

Nevertheless, a strong correlation can be seen in the results for the two questions on support for Sharia and support for the death penalty for apostates.[15]

So with all points considered, we can rightly conclude from religious texts, history and even modern Muslim opinion in most of the countries with the strongest support for Sharia, that the ruling of Islam is to put apostates to death if they refuse to revert back to their Islamic faith. This ruling remains true even among the Shi'ite sect,[16] whom together with the Sunnis constitute almost the entirety of the world's Muslim population.[17][18]

Modern Scholars and Apologetics

Some modern scholars ignore centuries of Islamic jurisprudence on the penalty for apostasy and instead interpret certain Qur'anic verses as allowing freedom of religion, including apostasy. They also argue that some apostates were allowed to live during Muhammad's lifetime, and point to a small number of early scholars who they claim supported less severe treatment of apostates. These interpretations and claims are disputed by traditionalists.

There is also a growing trend to instead interpret or contextualize hadiths and Qur'anic verses to mean that only those apostates who fought against the Muslims or gave support to their enemies were to be given the penalty. It is then regarded in these apologetics as a punishment for treason. Others claim that even talking openly about one's apostasy is an act of treason by undermining the foundation of the Islamic state, but that apostates who keep their beliefs private should be left alone.

Primary Articles

The following are summaries of pages discussing Islam, in relation to Apostasy:

Islamic Writing and Apostasy

This page simply quotes authoritative Islamic sources, i.e. the Qur'an, hadith, and both classical and modern scholars, to provide you with an accurate picture of what Islam teaches in regards to apostasy.

Narrated 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims."
Narrated Ikrima: Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "

Apostasy and Human Rights

The full text taken from a paper that was presented by Ibn Warraq at a panel discussion on "Apostasy, Human Rights, Religion and Belief" held at the the 60th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, held in Geneva, 18th April 2005.

It is clear quite clear that under Islamic Law an apostate must be put to death. There is no dispute on this ruling among classical Muslim or modern scholars... Sura II.217 is interpreted by no less an authority than al-Shafi'i(died 820 C.E.), the founder of one of the four orthodox schools of law of Sunni Islam to mean that the death penalty should be prescribed for apostates. Sura II.217 reads: "... But whoever of you recants and dies an unbeliever , his works shall come to nothing in this world and the next, and they are the companions of the fire for ever." Al-Thalabi and al -Khazan concur. Al-Razi in his commentary on II:217 says the apostate should be killed . Similarly, IV. 89: "They would have you disbelieve as they themselves have disbelieved, so that you may be all like alike. Do not befriend them until they have fled their homes for the cause of God. If they desert you seize them and put them to death wherever you find them. Look for neither friends nor helpers among them..." Baydawi (died c. 1315-16), in his celebrated commentary on the Koran, interprets this passage to mean: "Whosover turns back from his belief ( irtada ), openly or secretly, take him and kill him wheresoever ye find him, like any other infidel. Separate yourself from him altogether .Do not accept intercession in his regard". Ibn Kathir in his commentary on this passage quoting Al Suddi (died 745) says that since the unbelievers had manifested their unbelief they should be killed.

Real-World Impact of Apostasy Laws

Former Muslims are often persecuted, abused and killed by Muslims. This treatment of apostates is not simply down to the issue of state-enforced religion as some may suggest. The violence or threats of violence against apostates in the Muslim world usually derives, not from government authorities, but from family members and individuals from the Islamic communities themselves, who operate very often with impunity from the government. This point is further emphasized by the persecution and murder of former Muslims which has now become evident in many non-Muslim societies. For example, in 2007 the daughter of a British Imam was taken under police protection after receiving death threats from her father (a leader of a mosque in Lancashire) for converting to Christianity.[19]

Notable Former Muslims

Whilst apostatizing from the Islamic faith is a dangerous thing to do, in addition to movie stars and rappers, many outspoken Muslim preachers, mullahs, imams, scholars, missionaries and even terrorists have apostatized and become atheists, Buddhists, Christians, Hindu's etc. In doing so, many (including Ibn Warraq and Mark Gabriel) have taken it upon themselves to oppose the Islamic ideology and have become celebrities in their own right.

Muslims Leaving Islam by the Millions

Muslims often (sometimes falsely) advertise news of non-Muslims converting to Islam, but they do not tell the other side of the story, where Muslims are also leaving Islam. There are more Muslims leaving Islam today than there are new converts joining it.[20] In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, 6 million Muslims are leaving Islam each and every year. Once the majority faith of the continent, they are now the minority with Christianity being the majority. The sheer volume of recent apostates is unprecedented in the history of Islam. Here at WikiIslam, we document this news and host hundreds of written testimonies.

Apostasy Discussed in Arabic/Islamic Media

This hub page contains English translations of various Arabic/Islamic media discussing apostasy.

Whoever insults Allah, the angels, and the religion, has apostatized from Islam, and become an infidel -- (agreed).

The apostate is the legally competent one who voluntarily withdraws from Islam, whether he openly declares his infidelity, or utters something which makes him an infidel, or does something which makes him an infidel. In this case, this man has uttered something which makes him an infidel! For he insulted the religion, or in other words mocked, ridiculed, and belittled it. We take this from Islam -- (agreed).

The ruling on the apostate is for him to seek forgiveness within three days, and if not he is killed, according to the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "The blood of a Muslim man is not permissible except under one of three conditions: 1) he commits adultery, 2) he takes an innocent life, or 3) he abandons his religion and separates himself from the community" (narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Mas'ud).

Let us beware, servants of Almighty Allah, to not be careless or reckless in our words and deeds, and to fear Almighty Allah in that which we say. For it is a great disaster for insults to the religion and the like to be found on our tongues, rather than remembrance and thanks for Almighty Allah.


See Also



  • A version of this page is also available in the following languages: Czech, French. For additional languages, see the sidebar on the left.

Other Core Articles

Core articles contain an overview of other articles related to a specific issue, and serve as a starting point for anyone wishing to learn about Islam:

External Links


  1. Questions about Apostasy (Blasphemy) - Al
  2. 2.0 2.1 M. Muhsin Khan (Translator) - Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84 - Dealing with Apostates, Number 57 - USC-MSA, Compendium of Muslim Texts
  3. M. Muhsin Khan (Translator) - Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 83 - Blood Money (Ad-Diyat), Number 17 - USC-MSA, Compendium of Muslim Texts
  4. "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." - Quran 9:5
  5. 5.0 5.1 Abul Ala Maududi - The Punishment of the Apostate According to Islamic Law - Islamic Publications Ltd., Lahore, 1963
  6. M. Muhsin Khan (Translator) - Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84 - Dealing with Apostates, Number 58 - USC-MSA, Compendium of Muslim Texts
  7. 'Abdurrahmani'l-Djaziri - The Penalties for Apostasy in Islam According to the Four Schools of Islamic Law - "The Case of the Female Apostate" (Pg. 19)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Peters, R.and G.J.J.De Vries (1976-77), 'Apostasy in Islam'. Die Welt des Islams 17, 1/4:1-25 [ pdf of the article] or jstor article with free read access
  9. webcitation archive Sunni books of jurisprudence (translations) quoted in The Rationaliser, Apostasy in Islam, 2014
  10. Imam Khomeini, Tahrir al-Wasilar Volumie IV (English translation), Tehran: Institute for Compilation of Imam Khomeini's works, 2011, p.255
  11. Fatwah 134339: Effect of apostasy on marriage before and after consummation]
  12. The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society Pew Research Centre, 30 April 2013, p.219 (responses by country to the question on apostasy)
  13. Future Global Muslim Population Pew Research Centre, 2011, pp.156-163 (Estimated Muslim population by country in 2010)
  14. Check the original source! How so many writers got the facts wrong after the Maher vs. Affleck Islam debate Archive
  15. Survey Reports - The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society - Chapter 1: Beliefs about Sharia - Pew Research Center, April 30, 2013
  16. A Shiite Opinion on Apostasy - Originally from Kayhan International, March 1986
  17. Comparison of Sunni and Shia Islam - ReligionFacts, accessed October 4, 2011
  18. Tracy Miller - Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population - Pew Research Center, October 2009
  19. Imam's daughter in hiding after her conversion to Christianity sparked death threats - London Evening Standard, December 6, 2007
  20. 6 Million Muslims LEAVE Islam every year! Shiekh Ahmed Katani, speaking with Maher Abdallah