
This translation is currently incomplete
In its present state this page is not intended for public viewing. Please help us in completing this translation.
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Last edit was made on 3/18/2015
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Format: {{ Incompletetranslations | Target Article | Language }}

Language parameter: Afrikaans‎, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Indonesian, Czech, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Uzbek, Turkish, Russian. All other languages are displayed as text.

Input Output
{{Incompletetranslations}} This translation is currently incomplete
{{incompletetranslations | The Timeline of Muhammad}} This translation for The Timeline of Muhammad is currently incomplete
{{incompletetranslations | The Timeline of Muhammad | Turkish}} This Türkçe (Turkish) translation for The Timeline of Muhammad is currently incomplete
{{incompletetranslations | The Timeline of Muhammad | Icelandic}} This Icelandic translation for The Timeline of Muhammad is currently incomplete