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Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari: that the Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed Allah Most High created Adam from a handful that He took from all of the earth. So the children of Adam come in according with the earth, some of them come red, and white and black, and between that, and the thin, the thick, the filthy, and the clean."
Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari: that the Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed Allah Most High created Adam from a handful that He took from all of the earth. So the children of Adam come in according with the earth, some of them come red, and white and black, and between that, and the thin, the thick, the filthy, and the clean."
===A black spot appears on the heart of a sinning Muslim===
{{Quote|{{cite web|url= |title=Sunan Ibn Majah 5:37:4244 |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said: “When the believer commits sin, a black spot appears on his heart. If he repents and gives up that sin and seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished. But if (the sin) increases, (the black spot) increases. That is the Ran that Allah mentions in His Book: “Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn.” [83:14] (Hasan)}}

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It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'Everyone in the universe, in the heavens and on earth, prays for forgiveness for the scholar, even the fish in the sea."
It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah say: 'Everyone in the universe, in the heavens and on earth, prays for forgiveness for the scholar, even the fish in the sea."

==[[Scientific Errors in the Qur'an]]==
==[[Scientific Errors in the Quran]]==
===Only Four / Eight Types of Cattle===
Archived from []
The verse and the claims made by Muslims ignore breeds. They ignore castrated bulls which are also useful for man but cannot clearly be counted as one of the two sexes.

===New Testament was given to Jesus===
===New Testament was given to Jesus===
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===Sun is a Flat Disk===
===Sun is a Flat Disk===
[[Scientific Errors in the Qur'an#Sun is a Flat Disk]] section needs a reference to tafsirs that back up the claim.[][]. Elaborate this topic at [[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Cosmology]].
[[Scientific Errors in the Quran#Sun is a Flat Disk]] section needs a reference to tafsirs that back up the claim.[][]. Elaborate this topic at [[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Cosmology]].

==[[Science and the Seven Earths]]==
==[[Science and the Seven Earths]]==
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There is no evidence that ''tara'ib'' can be translated as [[w:pubic symphisis|pubic symphisis]]. Even if Qadri's claim of a single word having a large number of meanings were true, ''tara'ib'' would have meant many organs other than the pubic symphisis. Those organs would have no relationship with the place where semen flows. It is a typical [[w:Texas sharpshooter fallacy|Texas sharpshooter fallacy]] to focus only on similarities between two sets of information and draw a conclusion while ignoring the differences. Qadri also ignores the testicles which produce the essential sperms. They are not situated in the zone he mentioned but below the symphisis.<ref>See images here [] []</ref>
There is no evidence that ''tara'ib'' can be translated as [[w:pubic symphisis|pubic symphisis]]. Even if Qadri's claim of a single word having a large number of meanings were true, ''tara'ib'' would have meant many organs other than the pubic symphisis. Those organs would have no relationship with the place where semen flows. It is a typical [[w:Texas sharpshooter fallacy|Texas sharpshooter fallacy]] to focus only on similarities between two sets of information and draw a conclusion while ignoring the differences. Qadri also ignores the testicles which produce the essential sperms. They are not situated in the zone he mentioned but below the symphisis.<ref>See images here [] []</ref>
{{Quote|[] ([ Archive])|The purpose of the verse was not to delve into what the embryological origin is from a scientific level. Rather, the purpose of the verse was to convey the message that God creates man from a lowly fluid and that He (God) can similarly raise people from the dead. If you got that much from the verse, then you gained a lot of spiritual guidance, but if you focused on where anatomically is the tara’ib exactly, etc, then you have failed to approach the verses in the proper way. }}
This site made many other claims. Check those.

==[[The Quran and Mountains]]==
==[[The Quran and Mountains]]==
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{{Quote||Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet fixed the ransom of the people of pre-Islamic Arabia at four hundred dirhams per head on the day of the battle of Badr.}}
{{Quote||Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet fixed the ransom of the people of pre-Islamic Arabia at four hundred dirhams per head on the day of the battle of Badr.}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|4|56|814}}|There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surat-al-Baqara and Al-`Imran, and he used to write (the revelations) for the Prophet. Later on he returned to Christianity again and he used to say: "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him." }}
===Laughing and jokes===
{{Quote|{{cite web|url= |title=Conditions of permissible joking |publisher= |author= |date=2008 |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}} |22170: Conditions of permissible joking
What are the conditions for joking to be permissible?
Praise be to Allaah. 
1 – It not should not involve any element of making fun of Islam.
That is one of the things that nullify a person’s Islam. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“If you ask them (about this), they declare: ‘We were only talking idly and joking.’ Say: ‘Was it at Allaah, and His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and His Messenger  that you were mocking?’
Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had believed”
[al-Tawbah 9:65-66]
Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Making fun of Allaah, His Signs and His Messenger is kufr (disbelief) and the one who does that disbelieves thereby after he had believed.”
The same applies to making fun of some Sunnahs, an action which is widespread, such as making fun of the beard and the hijaab, or of shortening one’s garment, etc.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in al-Majmoo’ al-Thameen, 1/63:
“The matters of Divine Lordship, Prophethood, Revelation and religion are sacred matters which are to be venerated. It is not permissible for anyone to show disrespect towards them, whether by mocking them to make others laugh or to poke fun at them. If anyone does that, he is a kaafir, because this is indicative of his disrespect towards Allaah and His Messengers, Books and Laws. Whoever does that has to repent to Allaah for what he has done, because that is a kind of hypocrisy. So he has to repent to Allaah, seek His forgiveness, mend his ways and develop fear of Allaah, veneration towards Him and love for Him in his heart. And Allaah is the Source of strength.
2 – The jokes should only be truthful.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Woe to the one who tells lies to make people laugh, woe to him.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, warning against this kind of behaviour which some jokers are accustomed to: “A man may say something to make his companions laugh, and he will fall into Hell as far as the Pleiades because of it.” (Narrated by Ahmad).
3 – Not scaring people
Especially those who are very energetic or strong, or who are holding a weapon or a piece of iron, or who take advantage of the darkness and people’s weakness to use that as a means of scaring and alarming them. It was narrated that Abu Layla said: “The companions of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that they were travelling with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and a man among them fell asleep. Some of them got a rope and tied him up, and he got scared. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘It is not permissible for a Muslim to frighten another Muslim.’” (Narrated by Abu Dawood).
4 – Mocking people by winking behind their backs or making snide remarks
People vary in their ability to understand things and in their characters. Some weak people, those who like to make fun of others and wink behind their backs or make snide remarks, may find a person to be an object of fun for them and the butt of their jokes – Allaah forbid. Allaah has forbidden such behaviour in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. How bad is it to insult one’s brother after having Faith”
[al-Hujuraat 49:11]
Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer: “What is meant here is looking down on them, belittling them or making fun of them. This is haraam and is counted as one of the characteristics of the hypocrites.”
Some people make fun of a person’s appearance, manner of walking or vehicle. But there is the fear that Allaah may requite the one who makes fun of others because of that. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Do not express malicious joy towards your brother’s misfortune, for Allaah may have mercy on him and you may be stricken by the thing you made fun of.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi).
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned against mocking people and hurting their feelings, because that is the path that leads to hatred and grudges. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, he does not wrong him, let him down or look down upon him. Taqwa (piety, awareness and fear of Allaah) is here” – and he pointed to his chest three times – “It is sufficient evil for a man to look down upon his Muslim brother. Every Muslim is sacred to another Muslim, his blood, his property and his honour.” (Narrated by Muslim)
5 – The jokes should not be excessive.
Some people joke too much and it becomes a habit for them. This is the opposite of the serious nature which is the characteristic of the believers. Joking is a break, a rest from ongoing seriousness and striving; it is a little relaxation for the soul. ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Fear joking, for it is folly and generates grudges.”
Imaam al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The kind of joking which is forbidden is that which is excessive and persistent, for it leads to too much laughter and hardening of the heart, it distracts from remembrance of Allaah, and it often leads to hurt feelings, generates hatred and causes people to lose respect and dignity. But whoever is safe from such dangers, then that which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do is permissible for him.”
6 – Acknowledging people’s status
Some people may joke with everyone indiscriminately, but scholars and the elderly have rights, so you have to be aware of the character of the person with whom you are dealing. You should not joke with ignorant people, fools or people whom you do not know.
With regard to this matter, ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez said: “Fear joking, for it undermines chivalry and manliness.”
Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqaas said: “Set a limit to your jokes, for going to extremes makes you lose respect and incites the foolish against you.”
7 – The amount of joking should be like the amount of salt in one’s food.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not laugh too much, for laughing too much deadens the heart.” (Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7312)
‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever laughs too much or jokes too much loses respect, and whoever persists in doing something will be known for it.”
So beware of joking, for it “causes a person to lose face after he was thought of as respectable, and it brings him humiliation after esteem.”
8 – It should not involve backbiting.
This is a foul sickness. Some people think that they can talk about others, and say that this is by way of joking, but it is included in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), “[Backbiting is] your mentioning about your brother something that he dislikes.” (Narrated by Muslim)
9 – Choosing appropriate times for joking.
Such as when you are taking a trip in the countryside, or attending a party in the evening, or when meeting a friend, you may relax and enjoy some gentle anecdotes, nice stories or light jokes, in order to generate friendship and instill happiness in the heart; or when family problems are taking their toll and one of the spouses is angry, some gentle joking may relieve the tension and cheer people up.
O Muslim,
A man said to Sufyaan ibn ‘Uyaynah (may Allaah be pleased with him), “Joking is not right, it is to be denounced.” He replied, “Rather it is Sunnah, but only for those who know how to do it and do it at the appropriate time.” 
Nowadays, although the ummah needs to increase the love between its individual members and to relieve itself of boredom, it has gone too far with regard to relaxation, laughter and jokes. This has become a habit which fills their gatherings and wastes their time, so their lives are wasted and their newspapers are filled with jokes and trivia.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.” In Fath al-Baari it says: “What is meant by knowledge here has to do with the might of Allaah and His vengeance upon those who disobey Him, and the terrors that occur at death, in the grave and on the Day of Resurrection).
Muslim men and women have to be inclined to choose righteous and serious friends in their lives, who will help them to make good use of their time and strive for the sake of Allaah with seriousness and steadfastness, good and righteous people whose example they can follow. Bilaal ibn Sa’d said: “I saw them [the Sahaabah] jokingly pretending to fight over some goods, and laughing with one another, but when night came they were like monks.”
Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) was asked, “Did the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) laugh?” He said, “Yes, and the faith in their hearts was like mountains.”
So you have to follow the example of such people, who were knights by day and monks (i.e., devoted worshippers) by night.
May Allaah keep us, you and our parents safe on the Day of the Greatest Terror, those to whom the call will go out on that great Day:
“Enter Paradise, no fear shall be on you, nor shall you grieve”
[al-A’raaf 7:49 – interpretation of the meaning]
May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions. }}
===Sexes mixing, segregation===
{{Quote|{{cite web|url= |title=12663: Ruling on a man kissing or hugging a woman on the grounds of friendship |publisher= |author=Al-Munajjid |date=2010 |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|
Is it allowed for a muslim kiss (friendly) a non-mahrum muslim of the opposite sex on the cheek? How about friendly hugging?
Is the sin of the same magnitude if done when in need of friendly company which only the other person can provide?
Praise be to Allaah. 
'''It is haraam for a man to take women as friends.''' See question no. 1114.
A person should be wise, because whoever says that a man may kiss his female friend on the face in a friendly manner and hug her in a friendly manner is saying something that is regarded as foolish and stupid. It is obvious to any wise person than this kind of behaviour provokes desire, and this is the path that leads to zina (fornication, adultery). It cannot be said that his intention is pure, because Allaah has created men with an inclination to be attracted towards women. Hence Allaah has forbidden men to look at women and has commanded them to lower their gaze. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts)”
[al-Noor 24:30]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The eye may commit zina, and its zina is looking.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, al-Nikaah, 1840; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood, no. 1884).
Hence it is haraam to mix with women or to be alone with a woman, even if she is wearing hijaab, so how about if the woman is making a wanton display of herself? There are very many aayahs and ahaadeeth which forbid that. It is also forbidden to shake hands with women; see question no. 2459. A person who allows himself to do these things may start to commit zina zina with her on the grounds of friendship. It cannot be said that this is because of difficult circumstances where he needs a person to stand by him and be his friend. All of that is haraam and is not allowed. Whoever falls into such things must hasten to repent sincerely from this sin, and turn back to Allaah and regret what he has done. The Muslim must realize that if he turns to Allaah for help with the calamities and problems that befall him in this world, Allaah will relieve him of his trouble and grant him relief and a way out, so he should fear Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty)”
[al-Talaaq 65:2-3]
“and whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him”
[al-Talaaq 65:4]
And Allaah knows best.}}

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Praise be to Allaah.
Praise be to Allaah.

The word “Sufism” was not known at the time of the Messenger or the Sahaabah or the Taabi’een. It arose at the time when a group of ascetics who wore wool (“soof”) emerged, and this name was given to them. It was also said that the name was taken from the word “soofiya” (“sophia”) which means “wisdom” in Greek. The word is not derived from al-safa’ (“purity”) as some of them claim, because the adjective derived from safa’ is safaa’i, not soofi (sufi). The emergence of this new name and the group to whom it is applied exacerbated the divisions among Muslims. The early Sufis differed from the later Sufis who spread bid’ah (innovation) to a greater extent and made shirk in both minor and major forms commonplace among the people, as well as the innovations against which the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned us when he said, “Beware of newly-invented things, for every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is a going-astray.” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, who said it is saheeh hasan).
The word “Sufism” was not known at the time of the Messenger or the Sahaabah or the Taabi’een. It arose at the time when a group of ascetics who wore wool (“soof”) emerged, and this name was given to them. It was also said that the name was taken from the word “soofiya” (“sophia”) which means “wisdom” in Greek. The word is not derived from al-safa’ (“purity”) as some of them claim, because the adjective derived from safa’ is safaa’i, not soofi (sufi). The emergence of this new name and the group to whom it is applied exacerbated the divisions among Muslims. '''The early Sufis differed from the later Sufis who spread bid’ah (innovation) to a greater extent and made shirk in both minor and major forms commonplace among the people,''' as well as the innovations against which the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned us when he said, “Beware of newly-invented things, for every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is a going-astray.” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, who said it is saheeh hasan).

The following is a comparison between the beliefs and rituals of Sufism and Islam which is based on the Qur’aan and Sunnah.
The following is a comparison between the beliefs and rituals of Sufism and Islam which is based on the Qur’aan and Sunnah.
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Of those who split up their religion (i.e., who left the true Islamic monotheism), and became sects, [i.e., they invented new things in the religion (bid’ah) and followed their vain desires], each sect rejoicing in that which is with it.” [al-Room 30:31-32]
Of those who split up their religion (i.e., who left the true Islamic monotheism), and became sects, [i.e., they invented new things in the religion (bid’ah) and followed their vain desires], each sect rejoicing in that which is with it.” [al-Room 30:31-32]

The Sufis worship others than Allaah, such as Prophets and “awliya’” [“saints”], living or dead. They say, “Yaa Jeelaani”, “Yaa Rifaa’i” [calling on their awliya’], or “O Messenger of Allaah, help and save” or “O Messenger of Allaah, our dependence is on you”, etc.
'''The Sufis worship others than Allaah, such as Prophets and “awliya’” [“saints”], living or dead.''' They say, “Yaa Jeelaani”, “Yaa Rifaa’i” [calling on their awliya’], or “O Messenger of Allaah, help and save” or “O Messenger of Allaah, our dependence is on you”, etc.

But Allaah forbids us to call on anyone except Him in matters that are beyond the person's capabilities. If a person does this, Allaah will count him as a mushrik, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):
'''But Allaah forbids us to call on anyone except Him in matters that are beyond the person's capabilities. If a person does this, Allaah will count him as a mushrik,''' as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And invoke not, besides Allaah, any that will neither profit you, nor hurt you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers).” [Yoonus 10:106]
“And invoke not, besides Allaah, any that will neither profit you, nor hurt you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers).” [Yoonus 10:106]

The Sufis believe that there are abdaal, aqtaab and awliya’ (kinds of “saints”) to whom Allaah has given the power to run the affairs of the universe. Allaah tells us about the mushrikeen (interpretation of the meaning):
'''The Sufis believe that there are abdaal, aqtaab and awliya’ (kinds of “saints”) to whom Allaah has given the power to run the affairs of the universe.''' Allaah tells us about the mushrikeen (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say [O Muhammad]: ‘…And who disposes the affairs?’ They will say. ‘Allaah.’…” [Yoonus 10:31]
“Say [O Muhammad]: ‘…And who disposes the affairs?’ They will say. ‘Allaah.’…” [Yoonus 10:31]

The mushrik Arabs knew more about Allaah than these Sufis!
'''The mushrik Arabs knew more about Allaah than these Sufis!'''

The Sufis turn to other than Allaah when calamity strikes, but Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
The Sufis turn to other than Allaah when calamity strikes, but Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
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Some Sufis believe in wahdat al-wujood (unity of existence). They do not have the idea of a Creator and His creation, instead they say that everything is creation and everything is god.
Some Sufis believe in wahdat al-wujood (unity of existence). They do not have the idea of a Creator and His creation, instead they say that everything is creation and everything is god.

The Sufis advocate extreme asceticism in this life and do not believe in taking the necessary means or in jihaad, but Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
'''The Sufis advocate extreme asceticism in this life and do not believe in taking the necessary means or in jihaad,''' but Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“But seek with that (wealth) which Allaah has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of legal enjoyment in this world…” [al-Qasas 28:77]
“But seek with that (wealth) which Allaah has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of legal enjoyment in this world…” [al-Qasas 28:77]
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“The believers are only those who, when Allaah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts…” [al-Anfaal 8:2]
“The believers are only those who, when Allaah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts…” [al-Anfaal 8:2]

Moreover, you see some of them making dhikr by only pronouncing the Name of Allaah, saying, “Allaah, Allaah, Allaah.” This is bid’ah and has no meaning in Islam. They even go to the extreme of saying, “Ah, ah” or “Hu, Hu.” The Sunnah is for the Muslim to remember his Lord in words that have a true meaning for which he will be rewarded, such as saying Subhaan Allaah wa Alhamdulillah wa Laa ilaaha illa Allaah wa Allaahu akbar, and so on.
'''Moreover, you see some of them making dhikr by only pronouncing the Name of Allaah, saying, “Allaah, Allaah, Allaah.” This is bid’ah and has no meaning in Islam. They even go to the extreme of saying, “Ah, ah” or “Hu, Hu.” The Sunnah is for the Muslim to remember his Lord in words that have a true meaning for which he will be rewarded, such as saying Subhaan Allaah wa Alhamdulillah wa Laa ilaaha illa Allaah wa Allaahu akbar, and so on.'''

The Sufis recite love poems mentioning the names of women and boys in their dhikr gatherings, and they repeat words such as “love”, “passion”, “desire” and so on, as if they are in a gathering where people dance and drink wine and clap and shout. All of this has to do with the customs and acts of worship of the mushrikeen. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
'''The Sufis recite love poems mentioning the names of women and boys in their dhikr gatherings, and they repeat words such as “love”, “passion”, “desire” and so on, as if they are in a gathering where people dance and drink wine and clap and shout. All of this has to do with the customs and acts of worship of the mushrikeen.''' Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Their salaah (prayer) at the House (of Allaah, i.e., the Ka’bah at Makkah) was nothing but whistling and clapping of hands…”
“Their salaah (prayer) at the House (of Allaah, i.e., the Ka’bah at Makkah) was nothing but whistling and clapping of hands…”
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[al-Zukhruf 43:36]
[al-Zukhruf 43:36]

The Sufis claim to have gnosis and knowledge of the unseen, but the Qur’aan shows them to be liars. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
'''The Sufis claim to have gnosis and knowledge of the unseen, but the Qur’aan shows them to be liars.''' Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say: ‘None in the heavens and the earth knows the ghayb (unseen) except Allaah…’” [al-Naml 27:65]
“Say: ‘None in the heavens and the earth knows the ghayb (unseen) except Allaah…’” [al-Naml 27:65]
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The Sufis use talismans, letters and numbers for making decisions and for making amulets and charms and so on.
The Sufis use talismans, letters and numbers for making decisions and for making amulets and charms and so on.

The Sufis do not restrict themselves to the specific blessings on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that were narrated from him. They invented new formulas that involve seeking his blessings and other kinds of blatant shirk which are unacceptable to the one on whom they are sending blessings.
'''The Sufis do not restrict themselves to the specific blessings on the Prophet that were narrated from him. They invented new formulas that involve seeking his blessings and other kinds of blatant shirk''' which are unacceptable to the one on whom they are sending blessings.

With regard to the question of the whether the Sufi shaykhs have some kind of contact, this is true, but their contact is with the shayaateen, not with Allaah, so they inspire one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception), as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
'''With regard to the question of the whether the Sufi shaykhs have some kind of contact, this is true, but their contact is with the shayaateen,''' not with Allaah, so they inspire one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception), as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies – shayaateen (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it…” [al-An’aam 6:112]
“And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies – shayaateen (devils) among mankind and jinns, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). If your Lord had so willed, they would not have done it…” [al-An’aam 6:112]
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And Allaah is the Source of Strength and the Guide to the Straight Path.}}
And Allaah is the Source of Strength and the Guide to the Straight Path.}}

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===[[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Cosmology]]===
===[[Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Cosmology]]===
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: That the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "If a man says to another man: 'O you Jew' then beat him twenty times. If he says: 'O you effeminate' then beat him twenty times. And whoever has relations with someone that is a Mahram then kill him." (Daif)}}
{{Quote|[]|Ibn ‘Abbas said: The Prophet (May peace be upon him) cursed effeminate men (mukhannathan) and women who imitated men, saying: Put them out of your houses, and put so-and-so out. (that is to say, the effeminate men)}}
{{Quote|[ Tirmidhi]|
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) cursed those men who behave effeminately and those women whose behavior is masculine."}}
====QHS: NonMuslims====
{{Quote|{{cite book|url= |title=Islamic Laws |chapter=Najis things:Kafir |publisher= |author=Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|107. An infidel i.e. a person who does not believe in Allah and His Oneness, is najis. Similarly, Ghulat who believe in any of the holy twelve Imams as God, or that they are incarnations of God, and Khawarij and Nawasib who express enmity towards th e holy Imams, are also najis. And similar is the case of those who deny Prophethood, or any of the necessary laws of Islam, like, namaz and fasting, which are believed by the Muslims as a part of Islam, and which they also know as such. As regards the people of the Book (i.e. the Jews and the Christians) who do not accept the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (Peace be upon him and his progeny), they are commonly considered najis, but it is not improbable that they are Pak. Ho wever, it is better to avoid them.
108. The entire body of a Kafir, including his hair and nails, and all liquid substances of his body, are najis.
109. If the parents, paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather of a minor child are all kafir, that child is najis, except when he is intelligent enough, and professes Islam. When, even one person from his parents or grandparents is a Muslim, the child is Pak (The details will be explained in rule 217).
110. A person about whom it is not known whether he is a Muslim or not, and if no signs exist to establish him as a Muslim, he will be considered Pak. But he will not have the privileges of a Muslim, like, he cannot marry a Muslim woman, nor can he be buried in a Muslim cemetery.
111. Any person who abuses any of the twelve holy Imams on account of enmity, is najis.
====QHS: Khums====
{{Quote|{{cite book|url= |title=Islamic Laws | chapter=Khums: Spoils of war |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|1837. If Muslims fight against the infidels by the command of the Holy Imam (A.S.) and, in the war, acquire some booty, that booty is called Ghanimat. And it is obligatory to pay Khums on what remains after deducting the expenses incurred for protection and transport etc. of that booty, and after setting aside what the Imam spends according to his discretion, and what he keeps as his special right. And for the liability of Khums, there is no difference between movable and immovable booty. Of course, the lands which have been seized as spoils of war belong to the Muslim public, even if the war was not fought with the permission of Imam.
1838. If Muslims engage in a war against infidels without the permission of Imam (A.S.), and win some spoils of the war, everything that they acquire as the spoils belongs to Imam (A.S.), and the fighters have no right in it.
1839. Anything which is in the hands of the infidels, does not become Ghanimat if the original proprietor of those things was a Muslim or a Zimmi.
1840. To steal from a Harbi non-Muslim (one who is not under the protection of an Islamic State) is Haraam, as it is dishonesty, and also conducive to breach of the peace. Anything obtained this way should be, as a precaution, returned to them.
1841. It is commonly held that a Momin can appropriate things owned by a Nasibi {one who is an enemy of Ahlul Bait (A.S.)} and just pay its Khums. But this is a matter of Ishkal.}}
====Ramadan sex====
{{Quote|[] and archive: []|2471. If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife during fast in the month of Ramadhan or when she is in her menses, he commits a sin, but if a child is conceived, it is legitimate.

==[[The Story of Umm Qirfa]]==
==[[The Story of Umm Qirfa]]==
Line 316: Line 499:
==[[Abu Lahab]]==
==[[Abu Lahab]]==
Sura explained in detail:
Sura explained in detail:
==Dhul Qarnain==
Claims to refute: []. he Went to space. allah is hiding the wall from us.

==[[Lack of Detail in the Quran]]==
==[[Lack of Detail in the Quran]]==
Line 412: Line 599:

More prophecies in Sahih Muslim: []
More prophecies in Sahih Muslim: []
#Allah created adam in/like his own image: ([ Archive])
{{Quote||And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.}}
Jinn are micro organisms: [] ([ archive])
==[[Polygamy in Islam]]==
{{Quote|{{cite web|url= |title=Tabaqat Volume 1, Part II: 76.44 |publisher= |author=Ibn Saad |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|
Sa`id Ibn Mansur informed us: Abu 'Awanah informed us: on the authority of 'Ata Ibn Sa'ib, he on the authority of Sa'id Ibn Jubayr; he said:
Ibn 'Abbas said to me: '''Verily the best of this ummah is one having many wives.'''}}
==Sunan ibn Majah==
===Check if not added, then add to QHS===
{{Quote|{{Ibn Majah||3|21|2677}} []|It was narrated from Sahl bin Abu Hathmah from the elders of his people that :
'Abdullah bin Sahl and Muhayyishah set out for Khaibar because of some problem that had arisen. Someone came to Muhayyishah, and he told him that Abdullah bin Sahl had been killed and thrown into a pit or well in Khaibar. He came to the Jews and said: “By Allah, you killed him.” They said: “By Allah, we did not kill him.” Then he went back to his people and told them about that. Then he and his brother Huwayyisah, who was older than him, and 'Abdur-Rahman bin Sahl, came (to the Prophet (ﷺ)). Muhayyisah, who was the one who had been at Khaibar, went and he began to speak, but the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Let the elder speak first.” So Huwayyisah spoke, then Muhayyisah spoke. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: '''“Either (the Jews) will pay the blood money for your companion, or war will be declared on them.”''' The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) sent a letter to that effect (to the Jews) and they wrote back saying: “By Allah, we did not kill him.” The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to Huwayyisah, Muhayyisah and Abdur-Rahman: “Will you swear an oath establishing your claim to the blood money of your companion?” They said: “No” He said: “Should the Jews swear an oath for you?” They said: “They are not Muslims.” So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) paid the blood money himself, and he sent one hundred she-camels to them and some of them entered the house. Sahl said: “A red she-camels from among them kicked me.” (Sahih)}}


{{Quote|"Rules related To socializing" {{cite web|url= |title=A CODE OF ETHICS FOR MUSLIM MEN AND WOMEN |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|The Rules of Kissing
{{Quote|"Rules related To socializing" {{cite web|url= |title=A CODE OF ETHICS FOR MUSLIM MEN AND WOMEN |publisher=Islamic Humanitarian Service |author=Sayyid Masud Masumi |date= |archiveurl= |deadurl=no}}|The Rules of Kissing
205 – Rule: Kissing a Mahram is not a problem with the condition that it is not with the intention of lust. (With the exception of one’s spouse, which is fully allowed.) ABGKLMST
205 – Rule: Kissing a Mahram is not a problem with the condition that it is not with the intention of lust. (With the exception of one’s spouse, which is fully allowed.) ABGKLMST

Line 427: Line 636:

If by kissing in this manner (of lust) one does not ejaculate, then it is not haram. T}}
If by kissing in this manner (of lust) one does not ejaculate, then it is not haram. T}}
Mastrbation : []
[ Little Green book]

Editors, em-bypass-2
