Korán, hadísy a učenci: Mohamed

Mohamed je v islámu znám jako uswa hasana, al-Insān al-Kāmil. Je to arabská fráze, která znamená 'dokonalý člověk' , kterého 'stojí za to napodobovat' .

A věru máte nyní v poslu Božím příklad překrásný pro každého, kdo doufá v Boha a v den poslední a kdo Boha hojně vzpomíná.

Tato stránka obsahuje jen malý vzorek citátů ohledně jeho vlastností. Kdykoliv je k dispozici více textu, přidáme odkaz na odpovídající články.


Arabové, Etiopané a Asyřané by mohli být označeni jako Semitští lidé, nicméně v kontextu "anti-semitismu" se tím většinou chápou lidé, kteří se považují za židy.[1][2]

Abu Huraira oznámil, že Aláhův posel řekl: "Poslední hodina nenastane dokud muslimové nebudou bojovat proti židům a dokud je muslimové nebudou zabíjet, a dokud se židé nebudou schovávat za kamenem nebo stromem a ten kámen nebo strom řekne: "Muslime, služebníku Aláhův, za mnou je žid - pojď a zabij ho! Ale strom Gharqad by to neřekl, protože to je strom židů."


Aiša řekla, že žid z kmene Banu Zuraiq, zvaný Labid b. al-A'sam seslal kouzlo na Aláhova posla, což vedlo k tomu, že posel (pod účinkem toho kouzla) měl pocit, že dělal něco, co ve skutečnosti nedělal. (Tento stav trval) dokud jednoho dne, nebo jedné noci, Aláhův posel nepoprosil (o zrušení účinků toho kouzla)...


Kurajšovci (Mekka) a Ansar (Medína) se naštvali a řekli "On (prorok) dává veliteli Najd a nedává nám." Prorok řekl: "Dávám jim abych nalákal jejich srdce (k islámu).

Zneužívání dětí

Vyprávěl As-Saburah: Prorok řekl: Přikažte chlapci, aby se modlil, když mu bude 7 let. Když mu bude 10 let, bijte ho, pokud se nechce modlit.

Převlíkání do ženského oblečení

Vyprávěl Abdullah ibn Abdel Wahab, od Hamad, od Hisham, od jeho otce, který vyprávěl, že lidé nosili své dary (prorokovi), když byl v Aišině domě. Společníci Um Salamah řekli: "Ó Um Salamah! U Aláha, lidé čekají, aby mohli dát své dary, dokud je to Aišin den a my chceme dobré věci, tak jako Aiša. Tak požádej proroka, aby přikázal lidem, aby mu dávali dary ať už je v domě kterékoliv z jeho manželek." Um Salamah to řekla prorokovi, ale on neodpověděl. Zopakovala to podruhé, ale on pořád neodpovídal, ale napotřetí řekl: "Ó Um Salama! Neubližuj mi s Aišou; protože u Aláha, vnuknutí mi nejsou seslána když jsem v oblečení kterékoliv z vás (žen), kromě Aišiného.”[3]


"Jsem nejlepším s intrikářů. Oklamal jsem je svou lstivostí, abych vám dal od nich."


Jabir b. Samura oznámil, že Aláhův posel řekl: "Znám ten kámen v Mekce, který mi dával pozdravy ještě, než jsem se stal prorokem."
Vyprávěla Aiša: (manželka proroka) Aláhův apoštol řekl: "Ó Aišo! Tohle je Gabriel, posílá ti pozdravy." Řekla jsem: "Mír a milost Aláhova budiž nad ním." Aiša dodala: Prorok vidíval věci, které my jsme neviděli.


Mekkánci, kteří chápali, že Mohamed není žádný prorok, zvali Mohameda Odsouzený.

Vyprávěl Abu Huraira: Aláhův apoštol řekl: "Neudivuje tě, jak mě Aláh ochraňuje od proklínání Kurajšovců? Proklínají mě, že jsem "Mudhammam" (Odsouzený) zatímco já jsem Muhammad (a ne Mudhammam)"

Pití alkoholu

في شرب النبيذ وتخمير الإناء الأشربة صحيح مسلم

حدثنا ‏ ‏أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة ‏ ‏وأبو كريب ‏ ‏واللفظ ‏ ‏لأبي كريب ‏ ‏قالا حدثنا ‏ ‏أبو معاوية ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏الأعمش ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏أبي صالح ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏جابر بن عبد الله ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏كنا مع رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏فاستسقى فقال رجل يا رسول الله ألا ‏ ‏نسقيك ‏ ‏نبيذا ‏ ‏فقال بلى قال فخرج الرجل ‏ ‏يسعى فجاء ‏ ‏بقدح ‏ ‏فيه ‏ ‏نبيذ ‏ ‏فقال رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏ألا ‏ ‏خمرته ‏ ‏ولو ‏ ‏تعرض عليه عودا ‏ ‏قال فشرب ‏

Sahíh Muslim: "Pití, pití vína a kvašení"

Vyprávěl Gaber bin Abdullah:

Byli jsme s poslem Aláhovým a on požádal o drink. Jeden z jeho lidí řekl: "Ó posle Aláhovu, smíme ti nabídnout víno k pití?" On řekl "Ano". On (Gaber) odešel a poté se vrátil s pohárem vína. Posel se zeptal: "Zkvasili jste jej?” (Gaber) řekl "ano" a on (Mohamed) se napil.

Kázání nenávisti

Vyprávěl AbuDharr: Prorok řekl: Nejlepší z činů je milovat v zájmu Aláha a nenávidět v zájmu Aláha.
"Nejsilnější pouto víry je věrnost pro Aláha a odpor pro Aláha (proti jeho nepřátelům), láska pro Aláha a nepřátelství pro Aláha (proti jeho nepřátelům)."


Vyprávěl Jaabir: "Prorok řekl: Ničeho se nebojím více pro svoji ummu, než skutku Lotových lidí."
Tirmidhi 1457


Vyprávěl Anas bin Malik: Aláhův apoštol navštěvoval Um Haram bint Milhan, která mu nabízela jídla. Um-Haram byla manželkou Ubada bin As-Samit. Aláhův apoštol ji jednou navštívil a ona mu poskytla jídlo a začala hledat vši na jeho hlavě.


Vyprávěl Al-Miswar bin Makhrama:
Slyšel jsem Aláhova apoštola, který byl na kazatelně, říkat: "Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughira mě požádali abych oddal jejich dceru k Ali bin Abu Talib, ale já jsem nesvolil, a nedám svolení dokud se 'Ali bin Abi Talib nerozvede s mojí dcerou, aby si mohl vzí jejich dceru protože Fatima je součástí mého těla a já nenávidím co ona nenávidí a co ubližuje jí, to ubližuje mě."

Zabíjení dětí

Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi: I was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair.
Narrated As-Sab bin Jaththama: The Prophet passed by me at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)." I also heard the Prophet saying, "The institution of Hima is invalid except for Allah and His Apostle."


Narrated Zahdam: ... We stayed for a short while (after we had covered a little distance), and then I said to my companions, "Allah's Apostle has forgotten his oath. By Allah, if we do not remind Allah's Apostle of his oath, we will never be successful." So we returned to the Prophet and said, "O Allah's Apostle! We asked you for mounts, but you took an oath that you would not give us any mounts; we think that you have forgotten your oath.' He said, 'It is Allah Who has given you mounts. By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else better than that. then I do what is better and expiate my oath.' "

Mariin manžel

Muhammad said, “In heaven, Mary mother of Jesus, will be one of my wives.”
al-Siyuti (6/395)
"The Messenger of God ... said, ‘God married me in paradise to Mary the daughter of 'Imran and to the wife of Pharaoh and the sister of Moses.’" [4]

Masová vražda

The Jews were made to come down, and Allah’s Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out into the marketplace of Medina, and he had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800 to 900 boys and men.
Ishaq 464


Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father and his children."
Narrated Anas: The Prophet said "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind."
Allah’s Apostle: the Lord of the Muslims, Leader of the Allah Fearing, Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, the Peerless and Unequalled.
Ishaq 233

When a Muslim is engaged in the prayer (salat), it is forbidden for him to respond to people who try to speak to him while he is praying until he is finished.

However, from the following Hadiths you will see that Muhammad wanted to be an exception to the rule. He tells Muslims that even if they are performing salat to Allah, they must respond to him (Muhammad) if he calls them. He invokes Quran 8:24 to prove his case.

Narrated Abu Said Al-Mualla: While I was praying, the Prophet passed by and called me, but I did not go to him till I had finished my prayer. When I went to him, he said, "What prevented you from coming?" I said, "I was praying." He said, "Didn't Allah say" "O you who believes Give your response to Allah (by obeying Him) and to His Apostle." (8.24)
Narrated Abu Said Al-Mualla:

Narrated Abu Said bin Al-Mu'alla:

While I was praying in the Mosque, Allah's Apostle called me but I did not respond to him. Later I said, "O Allah's Apostle! I was praying." He said, "Didn't Allah say'--"Give your response to Allah (by obeying Him) and to His Apostle when he calls you." (8.24)
Narrated Abu Said bin Al-Mu'alla: While I was praying, Allah's Apostle passed me and called me, but I did not go to him until I had finished the prayer. Then I went to him, and he said, "What prevented you from coming to me? Didn't Allah say:-- "O you who believe! Answer the call of Allah (by obeying Him) and His Apostle when He calls you?"


The apostle made for a rock on the mountain to climb it. He had become heavy by reason of his age, and moreover he had put on two coats of mail(1), so when he tried to get up he could not do so. Talha b. 'Ubaydullah squatted beneath him and lifted him up until he settled comfortably upon it.
Ibn Ishaq
Narrated AbuBarzah:

AbdusSalam ibn AbuHazim AbuTalut said: I saw AbuBarzah who came to visit Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad. Then a man named Muslim who was there in the company mentioned it to me.

When Ubaydullah saw him, he said: This Muhammad of yours is a dwarf and fat. The old man (i.e. AbuBarzah) understood it.

So he said: I did not think that I should remain among people who would make me feel ashamed of the company of Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Thereupon Ubaydullah said: The company of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a honour for you, not a disgrace. He added: I called for you to ask about the reservoir. Did you hear the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) mentioning anything about it? AbuBarzah said: Yes, not once, twice, thrice, four times or five times. If anyone believes it, may Allah not supply him with water from it. He then went away angrily.


A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (Mohammad) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.


Narrated Ibn 'Umar that the Prophet (SA) said, "My livelihood is under the shade of my spear,(1) and he who disobeys my orders will be humiliated by paying Jizya" Footnote: (1) "Under the shade of my spear" means "from war booty".[5]
Sahih Bukhari Vol.IV (page 104)


Narrated Qatada: Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven).


Muhammad [through convenient “revelations” from Allah] gave himself rights and immunities that no other Muslim ever received.

Narrated Aisha: I used to look down upon those ladies who had given themselves to Allah's Apostle and I used to say, "Can a lady give herself (to a man)?" But when Allah revealed: "You (O Muhammad) can postpone (the turn of) whom you will of them (your wives), and you may receive any of them whom you will; and there is no blame on you if you invite one whose turn you have set aside (temporarily).' (33.51) I said (to the Prophet), "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires."


Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin."


Narrated 'Abdul 'Aziz: Anas said, 'When Allah's Apostle invaded Khaibar, we offered the Fajr prayer there yearly in the morning) when it was still dark. The Prophet rode and Abu Talha rode too and I was riding behind Abu Talha. The Prophet passed through the lane of Khaibar quickly and my knee was touching the thigh of the Prophet . He uncovered his thigh and I saw the whiteness of the thigh of the Prophet. When he entered the town, he said, 'Allahu Akbar! Khaibar is ruined. Whenever we approach near a (hostile) nation (to fight) then evil will be the morning of those who have been warned.' He repeated this thrice. The people came out for their jobs and some of them said, 'Muhammad (has come).' (Some of our companions added, "With his army.") We conquered Khaibar, took the captives, and the booty was collected. Dihya came and said, 'O Allah's Prophet! Give me a slave girl from the captives.' The Prophet said, 'Go and take any slave girl.' He took Safiya bint Huyai. A man came to the Prophet and said, 'O Allah's Apostles! You gave Safiya bint Huyai to Dihya and she is the chief mistress of the tribes of Quraiza and An-Nadir and she befits none but you.' So the Prophet said, 'Bring him along with her.' So Dihya came with her and when the Prophet saw her, he said to Dihya, 'Take any slave girl other than her from the captives.' Anas added: The Prophet then manumitted her and married her."

Thabit asked Anas, "O Abu Hamza! What did the Prophet pay her (as Mahr)?" He said, "Her self was her Mahr for he manumitted her and then married her." Anas added, "While on the way, Um Sulaim dressed her for marriage (ceremony) and at night she sent her as a bride to the Prophet .

Muslim apologists might argue Muhammad did a good deed, but what choice did Safiyah have after her entire family and rest of her tribe had just been either enslaved or murdered by Muhammad and his followers?

Sexuální závislost

Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet used to pass by (have sexual relation with) all his wives in one night, and at that time he had nine wives.
Narrated Qatada: Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven).
He once said of himself that he had been given the power of forty men in sex.[6]
Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart.


"These are the names of Muhammad's male slaves: Yakan Abu Sharh, Aflah, 'Ubayd, Dhakwan, Tahman, Mirwan, Hunayn, Sanad, Fadala Yamamin, Anjasha al-Hadi, Mad'am, Karkara, Abu Rafi', Thawban, Ab Kabsha, Salih, Rabah, Yara Nubyan, Fadila, Waqid, Mabur, Abu Waqid, Kasam, Abu 'Ayb, Abu Muwayhiba, Zayd Ibn Haritha, and also a black slave called Mahran, who was re-named (by Muhammad) Safina (`ship')."[7]
Moahmmed's Maid Slaves "are Salma Um Rafi', Maymuna daughter of Abu Asib, Maymuna daughter of Sa'd, Khadra, Radwa, Razina, Um Damira, Rayhana, Mary the Coptic, in addition to two other maid-slaves, one of them given to him as a present by his cousin, Zaynab, and the other one captured in a war."[7]

Sebevražedné sklony

...But after a few days Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration was also paused for a while and the Prophet (Mohammad) became so sad as we have heard that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of high mountains and every time he went up the top of a mountain in order to throw himself down, Gabriel would appear before him and say, "O Muhammad! You are indeed Allah's Apostle in truth" whereupon his heart would become quiet and he would calm down and would return home. And whenever the period of the coming of the inspiration used to become long, he would do as before, but when he used to reach the top of a mountain, Gabriel would appear before him and say to him what he had said before.


Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).


The Apostle said, ‘Get him away from me and cut off his tongue.
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr and the 'Isha' prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to c awl." The Prophet added, "Certainly I decided to order the Mu'adh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses."


Narrated Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) The people used to come from their abodes and from Al-'Awali (i.e. outskirts of Medina up to a distance of four miles or more from Medina). They used to pass through dust and used to be drenched with sweat and covered with dust; so sweat used to trickle from them. One of them came to Allah's Apostle who was in my house. The Prophet said to him, "I wish that you keep yourself clean on this day of yours (i.e. take a bath)."

Vybízení k válkám

Expeditions Led by Allah’s Messenger: In this year, according to all Sira writers, the Messenger personally led the Ghazwa of Alwa. [A Ghazwa is an Islamic Invasion in Allah’s Cause consisting of an army unit led by the Prophet himself.] He left Sa’d in command of Medina. On this raid his banner was carried by Hamzah. He stayed out for fifteen days and then returned to Medina. The Messenger went on a Ghazwa at the head of two hundred of his companions in October, 623 and reached Buwat. His intention was to intercept a Quraysh caravan with a hundred men and twenty-five hundred camels.

Bílá pleť

Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The an then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib."...


Narrated Abu Huraira: Whenever a dead man in debt was brought to Allah's Apostle he would ask, "Has he left anything to repay his debt?" If he was informed that he had left something to repay his debts, he would offer his funeral prayer, otherwise he would tell the Muslims to offer their friend's funeral prayer. When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, he said, "I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his death) it will belong to his heirs."
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: Malik ibn Aws al-Hadthan said: One of the arguments put forward by Umar was that he said that the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) received three things exclusively to himself: Banu an-Nadir, Khaybar and Fadak. The Banu an-Nadir property was kept wholly for his emergent needs, Fadak for travellers, and Khaybar was divided by the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) into three sections: two for Muslims, and one as a contribution for his family. If anything remained after making the contribution of his family, he divided it among the poor Emigrants.

Some of Muhammad's companions also became wealthy:

Narrated Abu Masud Al-Ansar: Whenever Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) ordered us to give in charity, we used to go to the market and work as porters and get a Mudd (a special measure of grain) and then give it in charity. (Those were the days of poverty) and today some of us have one hundred thousand.

Bití žen

... (Muhammad b. Qais) poté řekl, že to vyprávěla Aiša: Neměla bych vám vyprávět o mě a o poslu Aláhovu?? My řekli: Ano. Ona řekla: Když na mě přišla řada pro Aláhova posla, aby se se mnou vyspal ... poté ležel dokud si nemyslel, že už spím. Poté si pomalu oblékl plášť a pomalu si dal boty a otevřel dveře a šel ven a zlehka je zavřel. Zahalila jsem si hlavu, dala šátek a upevnila opasek a poté jsem následovala jeho kroky dokud nedošel k Baqi'. Stál tam velmi dlouho. Poté třikrát zvedl ruce a poté se vrátil a já jsem se také vrátila. On šel rychle, takže jsem taky šla rychle. On běžel, tak jsem taky běžela. On přišel (domů) a já jsem taky přišla (domů). Já jsem tam byla dřív. Když jsem ležela v posteli prorok přišel a řekl: Aišo, proč si udýchaná? Já řekla: To nic. On řekl: Řekni mi to, nebo mi to řekne Lstivý a Vševědoucí. Řekla jsem mu celý ten příběh. On řekl: Byl to tvůj stín, který jsem viděl před sebou? Řekla jsem: Ano. Udeřil mě do hrudi, což mi způsobilo bolest, a poté řekl: Myslela sis, že Aláh a jeho apoštol nad tebou nevykonají spravedlnost?..."

Další odkazy


  1. "Noun • (n) anti-Semitism, antisemitism (the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people)" - Definition - Antisemitism, Princeton University's WordNet
  2. "Function: noun hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group" - Definition - Anti-Semitism, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  3. Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 3941 Volume Title, “The Book of Virtues.” Chapter Title, “The Virtues of Aisha.”
  4. Ibn Kathir, Qisas al-Anbiya [Cairo: Dar al-Kutub, 1968/1388], p. 381- as cited in Aliah Schleifer's Mary The Blessed Virgin of Islam [Fons Vitae; ISBN: 1887752021; July 1, 1998], p. 64;
  5. The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, Vol.IV (page 104) by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Islamic University—Al-Medina Al-Munauwara
  6. Mohammad Ibn Saad, al-Tabakat al- Kobra, Dar al-Tahrir, Cairo, 1970, Vol 8, p. 139.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, Zad al-Ma'ad, Part 1, pp. 114-116